chapter 19

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When I got home from confronting Embry, I went to my room. I cried there, wishing I didn't hear what he said to me. I thought we were friends, I must've fallen asleep. I woke up in the middle of night, I realize it was 12am. I lean against my bed frame, staring into the darkness of my room. I gasp when I heard a tap on my window. I could only see a shadow of a person, I grabbed one of my daggers, I slowly walked up the window, pulled the curtains away and grabbed the person, holding the knife at their throat.

"Allison! its me. Embry, its me." he said, from the light of the moon I can its him. I pull away the knife, so I can let him get up. I turn my lamp on. "Why are you here?" I said. He looks at me then the dagger.

"you can put the knife down, Allison." he chuckles, "I think I'll keep it." I said to him.

"ok, look im so sorry about what happened at the beach." he apologize, I cross my arms. "Were you just acting like at in front of them." I asked him, he nodded. "Allison, im so sorry. Please." he said. I steps closer to me, I pull the dagger out but then place it in my nightstand. I look up at him, "You really hurt me, you know that. I thought you broke up with me. Anyway, I'm sorry too. I didn't know how to tell you about my family." I said.

He smiles at me, "Hunters? I didn't expect that honestly." he chuckles. I laugh, "wait, we hunt the supernatural, why would did Paul said Argents so angry?" I asked, since I didn't make sense in the first place. Embry face went from happy, to serious.

"what is it?" I asked.

"Have you ever heard of the Quileute?" he asked me. "Whats that?" I asked.

"Well, are supposedly descended from wolves." he said, I arch my eyebrow, "like really wolves?"


"So, are you one?" I asked, he got quiet. From the look of it, its a yes. I pulled him into hug, he's so warm, like a giant warm blanket. "You're so hot, like temp hot." I laugh. "thanks." he laughs.

"So, what's it like? being a wolf." I asked. "crazy, like the other day. We chase this bloodsucker, red hair chick, she came crossed our land." he said. I looked at him serious. "Victoria?"

"you know her?" he said.

"Yeah, well Bella told me about her. She was James mate,  but Edward and his brothers killed him. Because he try to kill me and Bella." I explain to him. "well, she's been coming. We don't know why?" he said, I scoff.

"I think I know" Embry stares at me. "Me. She wants to kill me and Bella. For killing James." I told him. "Well, she's not getting near you." he said angrily, I can tell he is getting mad. "hey, its okay. I can protect myself." I tell him. He gives me a hug, "I'll let you sleep. Be safe okay." He tells me, I smile, I watch him leave, "you're one of a kind Allison." He said right before climbing out the window.

The next day, Bella and I walked in the cafeteria together, we see Eric, Angela and the others at the table. I can see Bella looked nervous, we walked together overhearing then talk about the bears attack.

"My dad keeps getting calls at the station." Bella said, we continue talking about the bears attack.

"So I'm glad you us know better. Eating, talking." Mike said, me and Bella looked at each other, then chuckle. Bella suggest we go to the movies.

"Actually, rain check for me. I have some things to do. But have fun guys, really." I said.

After school, I head to my house. I need to speak with my dad.

"Dad, what do you know about the quileute?" I know Embry told me, but I need to know more.

"You find out didn't you?" He said to me, I sat across his desk.

"Some parts." I said.

"Well, I know they have a treaty with the Cullens." He said, I looked at him confuse.

"A treaty?" I asked.

"The Quileute chief found them hunting in their land. They made a treaty if they promise not to cross their land." He tell me.

"So, the Cullens and the Quileute are enemies?" I said, my dad nodded. "Yes. If they were to bite a human. Then the treaty would be over." He said.

"So I'm guessing we hunt them too right?" I asked him. He sighs then nodded. "We hunt any supernatural." He said.

"Thanks for the information." I said. I left his office. I went to bed after talking to my dad.

~Days later~

A few days pass by, Bella notice Jacob isn't answering her calls, whenever she wants to see him, billy would say he's sick to come to the phone. She told me what happened at the movies with mike, that jake suddenly started acting weird, he's body turn hot, and got anger. It sound like what happened to Embry. I couldn't tell her about the pack, she needs to find out herself. I know if I tell her, she would stay away from him. I can't let that happen.

I stayed home, since is was pouring rain outside, I sat in the living room reading my book. When the doorbell rang, I place my book down.

I open the door to see, Bella. She's all wet and crying.

"Oh my god, Bella. Come in." I pull inside.

"Jacob-He...broke up with me." Her voice was shaking. I close my eyes.

"Let's get your some warm clothes on. I'll make you some tea." I said. We head to my room, I cleave her some clothes to change. Well she did that I head to the kitchen to make her some tea. Once her teas was done I head upstairs.

"What happened?" I asked her.

She holds the up in her hand, she sighs. "Jacob, he's different. He cut his hair, got a tattoo. Told me we can't be friends anymore." She said. I close my eyes, then sigh.

"I'm sorry, Bella." I said. I pull in for a side huge. She rest her head in my shoulder. "Is it okay if I spend the night here, I just don't want to be alone." She awkwardly asked.

I smile at her, "of course." I said.

"Allison, I love you." She said. I chuckle then smile. "Me too, bells."

I gave a call to Charlie letting him know Bella will be spending the night here. I couldn't help to think that Jacob has become a wolf, like Embry. I need to speak with Embry.

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