Chapter 5

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It was finally Friday, when I arrive to school. Jessica approach me.
"I heard your partners with Thomas Cullen." She said. "I never don't like this girl" I thought.
"Yeah." I said. "So do you like him?" She asked

I chuckle, "I barley knew the guy Jessica." I said. "well I seen how he looks at you. Like he's in love or something." She said. I roll my eyes, "like I said I barley know him." I repeat. I shut my locker I headed to my class. I saw bella with Edward, the two saw me but them quickly turn around. "What is her problem?" I thought. I ignore them and headed to class. When walking in I saw Alice.

"Hey Allison! How's your morning?" She asked me so cheerful. "It's great Alice. Um can ask you something?" I asked her since she's sister of Edward. "Sure."

"Is bella mad at me? I mean you saw how she talked to me the other day." I asked her. Alice face went from happy to nervous. "I'm sure she's not. She give her some time." She said, soon the Bell rang and class started. During our English class, the teacher wanted us to go over our project with one and other.

"So my parents can be a little...while surprise I guess. They're amazing." He said. I chuckle, "okay, thanks for the heads up." I smile. We went over what we'll be working on. When class was over we walked out together, he is so kind, and funny. I loved staring at his eyes, those beautiful golden eyes. As we talked I saw his siblings and Bella looking at us, I looked down, then Thomas turn around to see what I. "Are you okay?" He asked me.

No. "Yeah. I'm fine." I lied. He smiles, "your lying. I can sort of tell and you have that." He chuckles. I couldn't help but smile. "You got me." I laugh. "Bella has been acting weird towards me, I don't know it's stupid." I said. "You wanna hang out sometime?" He asked me . I was surprise of him asking me out, well to hang out.

"Um, sure. Okay I love to." I struttered. We chuckle as we walked together.

Thomas POV
I asked her out! I can't believe I asked her out. I know Edward would get on my ass later on about this. But I don't care, I'm going to be with her. Also coming over to my house with 8 vampires, and one human who's family are hunters. I walked her to her class, then went to mine, when Rosalie stopped me.

"You finally asked her out." She smiled, "I'm proud of you." She said. I smile at her "thanks Rose."

"Treat her well Thomas." She said as she walks away. I grin, then walked to class.

Allison POV

After school was over I follow Thomas to his house for the school project. It took awhile but got there. His house is beautiful and big, I was amazed by it. He's other siblings got home before us. As I got out of the my car I just stared at the house.

"Wow. Is this really your house?" I asked him.

He laughs, "yeah, come on in?" He said. I followed him inside, the decor is beautiful.

"The decor is beautiful." I said, "thanks my mother is the artist in that." He said. "If it's okay my parents would like to meet you?" He said awkwardly. I chuckle "okay." I said. We walked into other room, I saw tall blonde man, very beautiful, so was the woman. She had a smile on her face, while both of them it.

"You must be Allison. I'm Esme Cullen, and this is my husband Carlisle Cullen." She said, "it's so nice to finally meet you." She said. "It's nice to meet you too." I said politely.

"You have a beautiful home, mr. and Mrs. Cullen." I said. "Oh please call us Carlisle and Esme." Carlisle tell me, I nodded my head. "Well we better get started on that project. Shall we?" Thomas said, he looks that he's parents a little embarrassed. I see Alice and the others walk in.

"Allison hi, you're here!" She said, I smile at her. "Oh this is my other siblings, that's Rosalie and Emmett." She introduced. Rosalie is beautiful, very beautiful and Emmett is a big guy, "hey, nice meeting you." I tell them. Rosalie smiles at me "it's nice to meet you Allison." She says, Emmett nods "what's up."

I smile and nod, "well we should really get started." He said again, i smirk, "it was nice meeting all of you." I tell them. We went to the living room other part of the house. We get started. Esme walks in with drinks and snacks.

"I thought maybe you'll like something to eat Allison." She said. "Thank you Mrs- i mean Esme. Thank you." I said, "you're very welcome." She smiles. She places the tray on the coffee table. "Your mom is really nice." I tell him. "Thanks, she's amazing." He said. We continue working on the project when we see Edward and Bella walk in. They stood for a second then spoke to us.

"Thomas can I speak with you?" Edward said, Thomas hesitate at first then walks to him. Leaving me alone with Bella. It was awkward for a minute, when I finally broke the silence.

"Okay. What is it? What did I do to you?" I asked her. She started to stutter, "I don't...what do you mean?" She said. "When Alice invite me to sit with you guys, you didn't want me there. You and Edward and the others keep giving me a look. Why?" I demanded. "It's..." she was cut off by the guys return back. Both had smiles on their faces. "Allison, it's good seeing you." Edward tells me. My eyes widened, so does Bella. "Same here." I smile. They both walked away, I turn to Thomas. "Is everything okay?" I asked him.

"Things are great." He smiles at me. We went back to work, and after a few minutes for working we sat and talked. I see that it's almost 4 and needed to get home. "I'm sorry, but I have to get home. Or else my dad freaks out." I said, I collect my books. We both reach for my bag when I touch his hand. Ice cold, it was like sticking your hand in a ice bag. "Your hand is extremely cold?" I said. He quickly gives me my bag. "I'll walk you to your car." He quickly said. We walked to my car, "um see you Monday." He said.

"Yeah. See you Monday" I said, I could tell he got freak out, but why?

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