Chapter 30

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It's finally cloudy days here in Paris, the cold air is here too. I decide to walk around town, I've been at locked in that house for what felt like forever. I decide to go some clothes shopping, I know Alice would've love to be here, so would Rosalie. Alice gave me some tips on shopping, i mostly wear dark clothes, black or a dark color. Fits well with my pale vampire skin. As I walk pass stores one caught my eye, they have arrowheads. I couldn't help but to smile.

"Archery?" The owner said, he had a thick French accent.

"Oh, I quite archery, but it's nice to look at them." I tell him. He studies my faces, which I got creeped out.

"Yes! Your face!" He figured out. I looked confuse.

"Maid of Gevaudan." He said. I was still confuse. He then handed me a book. "You'll find what I mean in here." He said. I reach for my wallet. "Take it as a gift." He tells me.

"Thank you." I said. I made my way back home, put my clothes in my room. I decide to look through the book.

"Marie Jeanne Valet? I heard this name before." I told myself. Laurent said it, Aro too. I continue reading, she kills a beast. That was scaring her village. The beast killed over 100 people between 1764 to 1767, that king Louis XV sent of his best hunters to kill the beast. I tell the page to find a painting of her, "oh my god! She looks" I stare at the page.

"Does she have something to do with me? My family?" I close the book, I went the box that I send here from forks. I looked through my parents things. Trying to find something that connects her to me. Until I found this book, It's heavy but of course I can hold it. I open it, "ah! Here we go. Marie Jeanne....argent." I sped to get other book, I look through it again but she's nothing about the Argents. But the one my family has, shares her story.

Marie Jeanne lived in France, with her brother Sebastian. When her brother returned home from war. They killing of the beast spread, they called out the best hunter. Marie Jeanne is know to be the best hunter Gevaudan, by her brother, so went. As they went to look for the beast she was almost attack by the beast, when Henri grabbed her. He throw mountain ash to keep the beast away. She was curious what he did, he took her to his cabin. He had so many jars with weird things. Mistletoes and mountain ash he tells her, he explains to her why he has this things, he spend half of his life gaining the skills and the implements to survive a werewolf attack. It's caught the attention of Marie Jeanne. Henri agree to teach her, but didn't want to learn how to survive at wolf attack but to learn to kill one.

So the next henri laced the drinks of wine at the tavern, everyone took a drink. When Marie Jeanne notice Sebastian friend Marcel acting strange. When he broke the glass, So she went after him, see saw that he was still bleeding. He's not the beast but he's covering someone. The only person marcel is good friend with his her own brother. She couldn't believe it, she was anger. When she confronted Sebastian, he warn her not to expose him or else he slaughter the whole town. So Marie Jeanne went to Henri to help her kill her brother. So together they came up with a plan, They then mixed steel with wolfsbane and Mountain Ash to make a sharp tip for the pike, which they made in the shape of a fleur-de-lis. Once it had cooled, Marie-Jeanne forged the pike tip with her own blood, which she shared with Sebastien, under the light of a full moon. It took her three years to finally trap her brother, she impale him in which he change to his human self. She tells him the world well only remember him as a beast. She didn't shred a tear for him, at home she is join by the townspeople, as well as Henri, Marcel. The burn every contract, letter documents of Sebastian. Sometime later, Marie Jeanne and Henri become partners then grew to a romantic relationship, they eventually married, and Marie Jeanne took his last name.

"Argent." I said.

She become the first hunter. The blood line grow and grow.

I chuckle, "why didn't my dad tell me this? It was good to know." I told myself. I put the book away, then sped to the window. I look at the sky, "I wonder if he's looking at the same moon as me?"

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