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4 months later

Thomas POV

I watch as Rosalie, Emmett and Carlisle bring stuff in for the wedding of Edward and Bella. Esme is working on the flowers, while Alice helps Bella with her shoes. I watch by the balcony, ever since Allison's death. Nothing interested me, not hunting, not hanging out with my siblings, nothing. Carlisle and Esme worry for me, so does everyone else. I haven't been the same when Allison died, I miss her so much.

"Thomas." Edward calls for me. I just stand there watching the view of the sky.

"The guys and I are going hunting for my Bachelor party. It will be great if you'd came." He tells me. I continue staring at view, I didn't even turn around. I hear Carlisle step in.

"Thomas. I know it's been months since Allison's death, but our family misses you. I know a vampire never recovers from losing their mate. We all know how much you loved Allison." He said.

"I never said it back." I tell him.

"She knew." He said. I hear him leave, all I hear is the wind blowing against the trees. The birds Chirping, I see the water waves pull from the river. I know I need to hunt, I barely go. I watch Bella leave, I see her wave at me. I gave her a weak smile. She misses her too, everyone does. But I miss her more, more than anything.

~Months ago~

Carlisle and Edward, and Alice, took Allison body to her home she shared with her family. It has been empty since her parents death. They lay her body on the table.

"I'm going quick. This is going to hurt." Carlisle tells Edward, Carlisle bites down on Allison neck, then wrist, legs. He bite her deeply, we watch. After a few minutes Alice gasp. "It's happening." She smiles at them. The venom is working.

"Good. Now we wait." Carlisle said.

Allison POV

Fire. Something is burning me, my neck, wrist, legs. What is it, why is it burning? I can feel it burning, it hurts! Make it stop! I hear sound, like someone talking. I think Carlisle, the bite. He bite me, it's working.

The burning is still continuing, when is it going to stop. My heart, it took off like a helicopter blades, it's beating like crazy. "Her heart is slowing down." He said. Who else is here?

"Everyone is at the funeral. Charlie, he looks so broken." Alice voice said.

"So does Thomas." She said

Thomas. Oh Thomas, please forgive me.

"Bella and him receive her letter." Edward said.

"Letter?" Alice ask

"When a hunter is killed or kills themselves they leave a letter to their love ones. Explains why they died, or why they have to do it." Carlisle explains to her. 

"Once Allison transformation is over. She's gonna get thirsty, I'll take her to her first hunt. You two will go back to the funeral." He tell them the plan.

I was still laying here, my heart slowing stopped, there's silence. My eyes popped open wide, I blink a little. Everything is so....clear, I can see the dust in the air. I slowly start to get up, I look at my hands, they're so pale. My skin feels different, from my human skin. I chuckle, "it's so weird." I whisper to myself.

The Cullen and The huntress [Allison argent]Where stories live. Discover now