Chapter 26

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A couple of days the cullens each took turns watching Bella's house, so have the wolves. As for me and my dad we set up devices and traps, around our house. We haven't had any problems until one this.

I was in my room, sitting next to my window since my window has a where I can sit. I stare outside seeing the night sky and rain. Them saw two figures one very big and tall one. I quickly realize it's Emmett and Jasper. I scoff, went to grab my coat.

"I thought I said we don't need protection." I tell them.

"Com'n Ally. We're just wanna keep everyone safe." Emmett said.

I cross my arms. "Go home." I order them.

I see they didn't move. "Sorry ma'ma, we can't do that." Jasper said.

"Why not?" I asked

"Thomas wants us to watch over you." Emmett answer my question.

I roll my eyes. "He's worry about you. Can feel it." Jasper said. "Of course you can." I smirk.

"Ally. We just want to protect you sis." Emmett said.

"Whatever." I said. I saw that embry appear behind them, the two vampires turn around. They glares at each other. "Just try not to hurt each other, please?" I begged them. They nodded. I head back to the house, called Bella.

"So Emmett and jasper are here."

"They're just protecting us."

"I don't need protection. Thomas ask them to watch me. Embry here too."

"He still cares for you. Thomas."

I roll my eyes from what she said. "I just want this to be over." I rub my head

"Me too. Hey are you going to the bonfire?" She asked.

"Yeah, Embry invite me but I didn't know if I wanna go."

"What? You love bonfires."

"I know. I think I'm gonna sit this one out. Go have fun."

"Fine. Just wish you were there."

"I know, bye." I hung up. I look at the window again, seeing them there. Honestly did make me feel safe. I know I sound like a hypocrite.

The next morning I see my dad left already. He's been busy a lot, I don't ask him what about. I try to give him space. I head out the door when I see Carlisle calling me.


"Allison, can you come over."

"Um, sure. I'll head over there."

I drove down the road, reaching their house.

Esme opens the door to greet me. "Hi, Esme."

"Hi Allison, come in." She lets me.

"So why does Carlisle want to see me?" I ask her.

"I think it's better you hear from them." She tells me, we reach he's office. Walking in I see Carlisle, Alice, jasper and Edward.

"Sit. Please." Carlisle tells me. I sat down, "what's going on?" I asked them.

"Alice had a vision." Carlisle started saying.

"Okay?" I said confuse.

"She had a vision...of you dying." He finish saying. They room went quite, I chuckle. "Dying. Me? When? How?" I ask.

"I don't know when. I just saw you dying, there was blood and you were in someone's arms. I think it was...Thomas arms." Alice said, as she looks at me with sad eyes.

The Cullen and The huntress [Allison argent]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon