Memories returned

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"How is he?"

"Much of the same. His heart rate has stayed stable but other than that no change."

The voices would swim in and out of my mind frequently. I was only aware of them for a brief moment before I slipped back into blissful nothingness. I was no longer in pain, no longer burdened with anything and it was nice. Sometimes I would dream, and sometimes nightmares came, but mostly it was just dark and quiet. Pure bliss.

"It has been a week now. What should we do?"

"I don't know but we shouldn't talk here, in case this is something caused by Thomas."

"How could this happen?"

The voices seem to be farther away and quieter, like whispers. They probably weren't even real just whispers in my mind from past conversations.

"I don't know but seeing him like this, so vulnerable and helpless. It makes me feel like I should be doing more to help, except I don't know how to help or what I should be doing. He should be awake by now. I mean you heard the doctor there is nothing medically wrong with him."

"I know, I know. Shh, it is okay, we have to stay calm. I agree he should be awake, but maybe he needs more time. He could have put up a barrier in his mind to protect himself or heal. You are doing an amazing job of watching over him and just being here with him, I'm sure it is helping. He didn't come back all this way just to die now. He will wake up you'll see."

"We finally got him back but he is still so far away."

The voices seem as concerned as usual but this time one of them sounds more saddened and almost defeated. I wonder what it is all about and who they are talking about. I listened or remembered until I was once again in the blissful and pure darkness.

"Magnus you have to wake up. We need you here with us. I need you. Please don't give up on us, on me. I was so worried about you after you left. I didn't know what actually happened until Thomas came around bragging about running you off with a fake mate.

That's when the pieces finally clicked that we were all fooled and angry at you for something you didn't have control over. I'm sorry. I am sorry for all the times I blamed you for stringing me along. I'm sorry for not coming after you myself and I'm sorry for actually believing that you could do something like that. I'm so sor.."

Sobbing takes over the voice that was talking, a voice that sounds familiar. A voice I remember being as soft as silk, but why do I remember that and not who it belongs to? For the first time, I don't want the veil of blackness to take me. I want to open my eyes and see the person this beautiful voice belongs to. I want to find out exactly why she is so upset. When the darkness takes me this time, because it always does, I feel a pull. It is in my heart or mind, I'm not sure which, but it is strong and the need to wake up is heavy. My mind whirls in a spiral for some time until I slip into a deep sleep.

The dream wasn't a dream at all it was like memories flashing through my mind. Memories from the past when my brother and I were kids before our father died. Meeting my wolf, after turning for the first time. Memories of my father's death and the grief my mother went through, although she tried not to show it in front of us. More and more memories were flashing through my mind faster and faster. When I became alpha, training with my men and even my betas wedding. Then the memories came flooding in when everything turned upside down for me.

When Agatha came to me to warn me. My brother fighting me for my title and forcing me out of the pack, causing me to become a rogue. Struggling to find who I was without my family and my pack. Then, frozen like a picture I stared at the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Her smile, the way her hair fell off her shoulder, her eyes were as green as an emerald and as vast as the stars. When I looked into her eyes and the world fell away, I wanted to live in that moment forever. 

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