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While waking up I almost forgot where I was. Peeling the blanket off of me and getting into a comfortable sitting position, I rub my eyes trying to wake up. Looking around I am reminded of last night. Faye told me that Zander warmed up to me faster than he did with anyone. After completing his homework, eating and cleaning up the dishes, Zander pulled his game set out in to the living room. We played all different games for at least three or more hours.

The only reason we stopped was because Faye told Zander he needed to take a shower and get ready for bed. It was well past midnight and she didn't want him to get off his school schedule too much, even though it's the weekend. Before going to bed he begged me to stay the night so we could play again in the morning. I might even take him on a run around the block if he's up for it. After he went to bed Faye and I used the time to get to know each other more in depth.

My thoughts keep drifting back to how I felt when I saw her in the kitchen last night. Can she really be my mate, can I have these feelings for anyone that isn't my mate? The questions that keeps popping in to my head whenever I think about her, grow more everyday. I have a feeling that all my questions can be answered with either a yes or a no. I heard shuffling feet behind me and turn around to see a barely awake Faye. I give her a small wave from my seat on the couch, I know from the talk we had last night that she doesn't want to talk before she has at least a sip of coffee in her.

I stand up and stretch my cramped up muscles from sleeping on the small couch. Making my way first to the bathroom then to the kitchen. I see Faye already has a cup of coffee in her hands as she stares out the window, in her own little world. She couldn't wait for the coffee pot to finish brewing anymore, before getting her first cup. I grab a mug like it is a habit and pour myself some also not wanting to wait for the pot to completely finish brewing. I can't get past the feeling of this being a natural routine. It's strange to think that this is really my first time being here and spending the night. I feel comfortable and at home with Faye no matter where we are, honestly.

Taking a generous sip of coffee, after doctoring it up, I relish in the warm liquid running down my throat. After taking a few more sips, Faye gets her second cup just as we hear a door open and a second one close. I was hoping to get a few more minutes of it being just Faye and I. Her bother is a joy to be around though.

"Good morning, you sure make a great cup of coffee!" I finally speak to Faye when she turns around to me. She gives me a beautiful toothy smile before saying anything back.

"Good morning to you too! Thank you I used to have to make coffee for my dad so I learned pretty quick how to make it!"

"Well it is wonderful! I had a great time last night! Your brother is amazing!"

She turns her head as I see a blush spread across her face. "Thank you it was fun! I love how fast he warmed up to you. I haven't seen him so happy since before our dad passed. He really likes you!"

I smile at the fact that I made him happy. "I like him too, he's a good kid. He is so smart to only be fourteen years old too." 

"Yes he is." She smiles in to her coffee, with a look on her face like she is remembering something. "My dad would have liked you too." She speaks so quiet, I almost didn't hear what she said.

Taking in what she said I couldn't help but to question if she liked me the way I might like her. Before I could respond to her Zander walked in the kitchen and pored himself a cup of coffee. He had the same morning face, both Faye and I had when we took our first few sips of our own coffee. Zander looked up of the rim of his mug at me and I saw he was trying to piece together who I was all over again. He doesn't have memory loss his brain is just not awake yet. Finally putting all the pieces together, he smiled so wide it reached his eyes and brought them to live!

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