A Proposal

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Two days later Faye was able to walk again. The wounds were healing like they should, and she was no longer in pain. She might have a scar for a while, but I believe they will go away after we mate. If they don't then at least she has a good story to tell from it. Most of the packs that sent our warriors to help us fight the rouges have already departed back to their own packs. We are packing our things and getting ready to leave in the morning.

"Faye are you sure you are okay to travel?"

"Magnus, if you ask me that one more time, I will be forced to spell your mouth shut. I am fine. I barely feel it anymore and the gashes are fully closed. The drive will be fine."

"Okay, okay. I'll stop asking." I raised my hands in mock surrender.

Faye shook her head and plopped down on the bed. When I finished packing, I laid down next to her. Her eyes were already starting to droop when I pulled her close to me and pulled the blankets up around us. She shuffled a little closer and laid her head on my chest before closing her eyes completely. I kissed the top of her head and whispered my love to her. All I received in return were soft snores that sounded more like a purr.

The sun rise brought a morning full of activity. We all ate breakfast with the Alpha and Luna of Crescent moon before gathering our things and packing the cars. Alpha Rico and luna Natasha gave us gifts for protecting their pack from being attacked. As much as we protested to the gifts, they insisted we take them even more. Alpha Rico also told me to call him when I get settled back into my duties, so we can write up an official agreement to the alliance we had agreed to during our stay on their land. You can never have too many alliances.

Nolan had arrived the day before to drive us back to the pack after receiving my message. It was good to see him, and he caught me up on everything that was going on within the pack. Mostly everyone missed me, and they were all recovering from what the rouges made Thomas put them through. They were also excited to meet Faye after my mom let it spread that I had found my mate. I have no doubt that Faye will be welcomed into the pack! Wait until they find out what and who she is!

When the cars were packed and ready, we all said our goodbyes and started the long drive back to my pack lands. I can't wait to be back home. I haven't been there for a little over a year and a half and I have missed the place and the people. We were an hour into our three-hour drive when Faye fell asleep on my shoulder, I know she needed her sleep, but I was still worried about her not being healed enough for the drive. She has been doing much better, but I think she was just ready to get out of the hospital and start moving around, even if she still needed more time to heal.

We stopped at a rest area, and everyone got out to stretch and do our business. We also had lunch before we started back on the road. Once the clear lands started turning into bogs and thick trees, I knew we were getting close. I rolled the window down and took a deep breath of the air. I smelled like home! I started getting antsy and couldn't sit still, Faye shot me a glance every time I shifted in my seat.

When she had enough of me not being able to sit still, she turned to me, "What has gotten into you?"

"We are close. I'm excited and a little antsy to get there."

"A little?"

I laughed at her remark, "Maybe a bit more than a little?!"

"I'd say you were very antsy since you twitch every three seconds. You are starting to make me nervous."

"I'm sorry I don't mean to make you nervous. My mom will love you and everyone is friendly honestly there is nothing to by nervous about. I am just ready to be back home even if it is for a few weeks."

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