Unexpected discovery

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Getting into Kane's truck as he ends his phone call, I greet and thank him for picking me up after being discharged. He pulls out of the hospital and turns toward the town I ran away from some six months ago. He looked like he was contemplating something, so I left him to his thoughts. A few minutes later he sighs and turns slightly toward me so he can see me while also keeping his attention on the road. I turn to look back at him when he starts talking.

"Okay so I have good news and bad news. What do you want to hear first?"

"Um the bad news. Its always better when you have something good to fall back on when getting bad news."

"The hotel is having a momentous meeting and unfortunately all the rooms are booked to the maximum capacity allowed. Including your room. However, I spoke with Faye, whom I was on the phone with when you got in, and she is willing to let you stay at her place as long as you need to. Which is where we are heading now."

"I understand you needing rooms for the meeting, and this will give me the opportunity to talk to her about everything and work things out."

"There is something else."

"What's that?"

"Your good news is that you still have your job if you want it. I spoke with Robert and told him you have been going through a tough time and he is pleased to have you back. He said you were the hardest worker he has had in a long time."

"Wow man that awesome! Thank you! Seriously you didn't have to stick your neck out for me."

"It was the least I could do."

He shrugged and turned back to the road. We were almost back in town now since the hospital was just on the border of the town it didn't take long to get back.

"Oh, I almost forgot the hospital gave me the belongings I had when I arrived, which wasn't much considering, and my phone wasn't there. I am not sure when I lost it or where, so I am once again phone-less."

"That's right after your party, it was in the stuff Zander took inside when you and Faye were having your moment. It is safely at Faye's house."

"Oh, good then!"

We lapsed back into silence for the remainder of the drive. Pulling into Faye's driveway I start to become a little nervous, seeing as how our last conversation went, we are going to need to have a serious conversation. Especially since we are going to be living together. I want to make things right with her. I also want her to be able to express her emotions and feel like she can talk to me about anything that is on her mind instead of running out. I just hope she takes it well.

Getting out of the truck Kane and I both walk up to the front door and wait for it to open. We hear "come in" yelled from somewhere in the house and walk inside. The living room looks how I remember but the furniture has been slightly rearranged to open up the space a little more.

Faye yells from down the hall that she will be out in a minute so Kane and I both sit on the couch and wait for her. When she walks out of the bedroom that was her dads old room, I stand up to greet her. She gives me a brief hug and turned to Kane. He stands and hugs her too. He walks to the door and pauses to turn back to us.

"I know you to have a lot to talk about and get settled. I also have a lot to do, the two-day conference meeting will more than likely be extended, it has before. So, I will leave you two to it. I will try to check in later and Magnus if you do want to start working again you can come by the site on Monday, so you have the whole weekend."

"Thanks Kane I'll be there. Now go to work!"

He opens the door laughing and walks out. I turn to Faye and motion for her to take a seat on the couch. After she sits, I take the opposite end of the couch so I can look at her while we talk. We sit in silence for a few minutes while she picks at the frayed ends of the pillow, she is hugging. After another beat of silence, I finally decided on how I am going to approach our delicate conversation.

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