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~Picture above is Agatha!

"What makes you think I am going to make a deal with you?" I scoff furiously.

With their grin turning wicked the vial person spills, "Well because you haven't kicked me out yet. Therefore, you must be at least a little bit interested, in what I have to say. No?"

"Actually no I am not interested at all, so before I release my wolf on you, I suggest you leave, and never come back." I spit at them.

"That wouldn't be a nice thing to do to someone trying to help you. Now would it?"

"I do not need nor want your help Agatha; you have caused enough damage in my life as it is."

"Magnus I know I acted like a spoiled brat back then, but I am really here to help you," She said with a defeated sigh.

Seeing the truth in her eyes I knew I could at least hear her out. "Alright, say what you came here for. I'll listen but I won't promise to make a deal."

"Good enough for me," taking in a deep breath she began. "I have a friend who is a very powerful witch, well she has been more like a second mother to me since I left. I wont get in to that right now though.

Anyway, she came to me after having a vision." She paused to watch my reactions although I didn't show any emotion. After a few silent moments she continued. "The visions were about you and your pack."

She paused again so I could soak in her words. "Magnus, someone is going kill you and take your pack. Now the vision wasn't clear on who it was, but we do know that it has either already begun, or it will soon."

Drawing in a sharp breath to what she just told me, I had to stop myself from smashing everything in front of me. I take beep breathes to slow my heart rate, and to try to calm my wolf down. After a few minutes my heart slowed to its normal pace. I looked back at Agatha who was watching me with concerned eyes.

When I finally spoke, I took her by surprise as she was deep in her thoughts. "Thank you Aggs for coming here to tell me this news. I'll have to call a meeting, would you mind staying for it?"

"Hmm? Oh yes ill stay if you need me too."

"WHAT!! You have to be kidding me!"

"Are we supposed to believe her!"

"Do you seriously believe those lies, Magnus!"

The room irrupted in to chaos, as soon as Agatha finished telling the men what she told me earlier.

I let everyone calm down before I spoke, "I believe her."

Just like that the room irrupted again and this time I hear howls from the many men in the room. I growled and let out a yelp just loud enough for everyone to hear it, and they instantly shut their yaps.

Nolan as brave as he is spoke, "Sir, are you sure we can trust her."

I turn to him so we are eye to eye and reply with "She has no reason to lie, plus I could see it in her eyes that she was telling the truth."

Nolan backing down nodded his head in agreement.

"Now the question is what are we going to do about it? How are we going to see it coming and stop it?" I asked, addressing the men in the room.

When roughly two minutes went by Ryker stood saying he had a plan.

"Well Ryker lets hear it." I pushed.

"We double the guards, double the night watch, and make sure no one enters or exits the bayou without our knowing."

"That's a good start Ryker, thank you. What else can we do. Like Agatha said we don't know who or what we may be up against. We need to be prepared for anything and anyone."

"Why don't we have Iris come in and put a protective spell around our perimeter?" Jackson spoke up for the first time.

I nod to him to show him I heard him and respect his answer. "That's not a bad idea, I'll give her a call in the morning."

Agatha was sitting in the room quietly until she had a text message come through her phone. All heads turned to her while she read it, silently waiting for her to tell us what was in the message. She looked up at me dead in the eyes and all I could see was pure fear.

"What, What is it? Agatha you have to say something I don't like the fear in your eyes." In a matter of seconds, we were all taken back by what she read on her text message.

"Whoever is coming for you had a witch cloak them. Lyddia, my friend that had the visions, has been trying to track down and find out who this person is since her first vision. She just messaged me saying her magic is being blocked, no matter how hard she tries.

Which means whoever this person is, is in touch with an extremely powerful witch. Which also means they could be more dangerous than we assumed." She said all this in a rushed low tone.

No one moved, no one spoke, and I am sure half of the wolves were trembling, from either fear or anger. I will go with the latter because that is exactly what I am doing, with my wolf yipping in my head.

Looking at all the men in the room I announce "We do what Ryker and Jackson suggested, I will get ahold of Iris as soon as the sun rises. We will take it day by day after that. From now on everyone is to wear the rings that ward off dark magic from attaching to you.

"If someone doesn't have one let me know and I will make sure to get one to them. We will also be using the buddy system and double our training, in case we have to fight, we will be ready. Go to your families try to get some sleep and we will meet again in the morning to put everything in to affect.

We will double the night watch starting tonight."

As everyone got up to leave, I asked Agatha if she wanted to stay the night, so she doesn't have to leave under just the moons cover. She agrees to stay as she is exhausted from the events of today, and honestly, I am too.

"There is a spare room down the hall, follow me." She doesn't respond, just nods her head and follows me to the room. Once she is in the room, she turns to me standing in the doorway and gives me a small smile. She tells me she is sorry for being the barer of bad news. I just nod my head and tell her it is okay and to try to get some sleep.

Before I get a chance to leave the room, she comes to me and wraps her arms around my shoulders giving me a squeeze. She says "Goodnight, Magnus. I hope we can find and stop whoever this is soon. I don't like the thought of you being hurt. I know I hurt you before, but I have changed. I hope you can see that, and I hope you know that you can trust me. Can I ask you a question, before you go?"

"I am putting my life and my packs lives in your hands Agatha, I think that shows I trust you. However, you still haven't told me anything about the deal, you wanted to make." I say with a slight chuckle after she pulls away to look at my face.

"I'll fill you in on that in the morning, I'm sure somethings have changed due to our new information." She told me, so I decided to let it go until the morning too.

Instead I asked her what her question was. "Is there any way we can start over. Not as a couple or anything like that but as friends?"

I ponder this for a minute and when I look up at her I see she is patiently waiting for my answer. "Well I am going to need to stay in contact with you and your witch friend, I'm sorry what was her name again?"

She lets out a light laugh and says "Lyddia, her name is Lyddia. So, is that a yes to friends?"

"Ah yes I remember now, and why don't we start out as acquaintances and work our way up?" I give her my best smile.

She laughs once more and says "I'll take it! Goodnight again Magnus. It's good to see you again, I just wish it was under better circumstances."

I nod to her and give her one last smile before saying goodnight and making my way to my room. I quickly get changed and climb in to bed, to get some much needed sleep. I will be having a very busy day tomorrow.

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