Marking and Changing

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The sun is still in the sky, but I have been running for what felt like hours. I still can't get over how I could be mated to someone who is not a werewolf. How will this help anything? How will my pack grow if they don't see a strong werewolf team leading them? Finally, I lay down and turn inward to ask what Czar had to say about this situation.

"Czar, I need help understanding all of this. How can we be mated to a Fairie?"

"Magnus, you know as well as I do not everyone is mated to a werewolf. Some are mated to humans, witches and yes even fairies. The fairies were once extraordinarily strong allies to the werewolf community. I am not sure what happened that forced them either into hiding or what you call extinction, but I am sure their reason was sound."

"If they were such strong allies then why was I never told? Why me, why now?"

"Those are not questions I can answer. We must trust the moon goddess to provide the mate we need rather than the one we want. Just because you haven't seen or heard of then does not mean they are not strong. Don't used the tone of voice you used when describing what Faye is. She is still our mate no matter how you feel about the circumstances. What we need to do now is find a way to unlock her true self."

"I know I was being harsh, but you can't blame me for my disappointment. You are right though this is an opportunity to learn more about them and allow Faye to learn about herself. Do you have any ideas on how to unlock her powers?"

"The best thing to do is mark her. It will combine us without fully mating. The magic of the mark will override everything, allow her to absorb it into herself and hopefully break through whatever is holding her true self in."

"I was leaning toward that to begin with. We will have to make it special. Thanks Czar I still don't have all the answers I want but I have enough for now. I think it is time to head back, my mind is less clouded. Let's go before the sun sets completely."

Standing up, I shake out my fur and start trotting back to where I left my clothes. Finding my clothes, I quickly shift back and dress before jogging back to Faye's house. I just hope she isn't mad at me for being away so long. Walking up the driveway I see Faye put everything I was working on away and closed the hood of her car. Some of the lights were still on inside the house, so I hope she is still awake.

Walking into the house Faye and Zander are sitting on the couch watching a movie. Faye jumps up when I motion for her to follow me. We walk into the kitchen and sit at the table. I take a few minutes to get my thoughts together. While I was working out my thoughts Faye got up and made me a plate of food she made earlier. After she sits down, and I thank her for the food. I heave a sigh before I start speaking.

"I'm sorry for leaving like I did."

"Why did you?"

"Honestly, I was in disbelieve but you have to believe me when I say it wasn't you, it was me. I know it's a cliché but it's true. I never thought I would be mated to someone other than a werewolf and it took me by surprise."

"I'm sorry."

"No, I'm sorry, Faye it had nothing to do with you. I just needed some time to come to terms with what we are dealing with. I promise I am still here for you and will help you figure everything out. I talked with Czar, and he said the best thing we should try to unlock your powers is to mark. As long as you are okay with that?"

"Let me think about it and talk to Zander. I want to know what he thinks too. Everything is just moving so fast."

"I understand completely, Take the time you need."

"Thanks, Magnus."

"You are welcome. Now let's go finish the movie with Zander!"

I have had a permanent smile on my face ever since Faye told me she wanted to do the marking ceremony, last week. After talking it over with Zander and making sure she had his full support before she would agree to it. She doesn't need his approval but with him being her only family left she at least wanted his support and I fully understand that. I have been planning how I would mark my mate ever since I was of age to be mated. I have had to make a new plan to integrate what Faye likes and make it special to only her.

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