New Hope

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Kane, Drayche and Zander filed into my room and crushed me with a literal dog piled hug. I hugged them back the best I could but honestly, I could barely move. I thought for sure they would all hate me for leaving and breaking Faye's heart. Instead, I am greeted with love and happiness. Not at all what I expected to meet when I returned. After a few more crushing seconds they all moved away and found a place to sit.

I guess now is a suitable time as any to bring up all that has happened. I clear my throat a little nervous and unsure how to begin. Faye still hasn't come back in, and I'd like to get this over with before that happens. I look around the room and study the guys before I begin.

"Guys I just need to say Im sorry for all that has happened. I don't even have a good excuse, except for I was set up. I am sorry for all the trouble I have brought you all. I know I promised not to hurt Faye or any of you for that matter and I broke that promise in a split second. I should have never gone to help that malicious woman to begin with."

No one responds for a heartbeat of a second but, it feels like forever. I looked at every one of the guys sitting around me and send them my sincere apologies with my eyes. As I looked at each of them, they nodded their heads until Kane spoke.

"Magnus we already know what happened that night we know it wasn't your fault and we also know you never would have done any of it if you were not forced to. We know it was magic and you were not in control."

"I just had to say it, because I know what kind of damage was caused by it." I responded.

"We don't hold anything against you man. What we don't understand fully is why we couldn't find you. Faye called us crying; again, we know it wasn't your fault and so does she now; and we went searching for you immediately but there was no trace of you. It's like you disappeared. We searched every day for months, but your tracks were just not there. Then one day we go on our search and find you clinging to life half frozen. So, tell us from your side what happened?" Drayche said calmly.

"Honestly, I didn't think you guys would want me around after everything so I took off as fast as I could when I saw the damage that was done. However, Ill start from the beginning."

After telling my side of the events everyone took a deep breath and Kane who had started pacing in the middle of my story finally sat back down. No one had the words to fully explain what they were feeling. I myself couldn't even come up with anything to say until one line Thomas had said sprang into my mind. I sat up straight with a jolt, while sucking in a breath like I had been deprived all this time. I can't believe I had forgotten about that oh so kind gesture from Thomas. Everyone looked at me with worried and shocked eyes to see me move so fast and act strange.

"Oh no no, no no, this cannot possibly be happening!"

"What?" Zander said in a worried tone.

I looked up at my friends with tears already around the rim of my eyes threating to spill out. "My mother. Thomas has her. He said that if I killed him, she would also die."

"I haven't heard any harm falling on your mother through my sources." Kane said pondering.

"But we know Thomas has many surprises up his sleeves. Who knows what he is planning or what he has already done that we havent been able to see or otherwise know. For all we know this is all a figment of my imagination in my broken mind and Im actually tied up to a chair in some dingy basement under Thomass influence. He could be making me imagine all of this just to crush me more in my already broken state."

I was rambling and spiraling down into my thoughts and fears. Drayche harshly shook me out of the fog that started creeping around me trying to smother me. A little dazed I looked back up to the other guys in the room and only then realized I was crying. Zander came over to my left side and sat on the edge of the bed and hugged me until I was able to calm myself. Just as I was wiping my face the nurse walked in and stopped in her tracks, while surveying what she was looking at.

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