A circlet or two

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What do you say when you are offered to be king of a whole kingdom that you have only just begun to know? This is the question I have been trying to answer when Faye told me she wanted me to become king instead of her king consort. Instead of just being her husband, mate, and support, she wants me to rule beside her. Of course, I can tell her I don't want the title of king, that's not what I wanted to gain through all of this. I wanted her to be who she wanted to be and to have me as her lifelong partner, even if that meant she didn't want to be a queen at all I would have supported that and stood by her. Never was I after a title, but if this is truly something she wants then who am I to deny her?

These thoughts have been keeping me awake since she talked to me about it a week ago. It has been a month since we came to stay in the forest among her people so that she can get to know them and vice versa. It was difficult for me at first since most of the fairies either haven't met a werewolf before or remember the last time one was in the forest, not very good memories for them. However, once we were able to sign a treaty everyone was able to relax. In the last few weeks, I have learned so much and yet I still can't get over the sheer beauty of this place. Everyone in the whole kingdom has a specific job to help the forest thrive along with the people.

The forest is more magical than I ever imagined I'd ever see. The paths were covered in moss that was softer than my blankets back home. The people lived in cottages made from materials within the forest, each one a little different from the last. The market was the busiest area in the whole village. It was filled with voices from venders, children playing and this hum of excitement I couldn't quite explain. The castle and noble houses sat atop the hill overlooking the market and forest while still being completely covered within the foliage of the trees.

At the top it was a little quieter and calmer, but you could still feel the buzzing in the air. The noble's houses were a little more intricate than those in the village. Here they had windows with colors swirling and flowing, constantly moving inside the glass, fine tapestries on the walls and silk curtains in the windows. They all also had the noble crest engraved in the door. The palace was unlike anything I have seen. The passageways were open with high arches, so the forest was a part of the structure.

Vines grew around the pillars allowing some privacy through the passageways but never fully enclosed. In the center stood the largest tree in the whole forest, the castle itself was bult around it. The bedrooms were not connected by walls and corridors but by these passageways that allow you to access the forest at all times. The only place in the whole castle that was fully enclosed was the throne room where business was discussed. Even the ball room was only partly enclosed. It was very freeing, open, and inviting and never made you feel trapped.

The windows that were in the bedrooms and throne room were the same color filled glass as the noble houses they were crystal clear and yet you could not see inside. The curtains that were openly flowing in parts of the passageways and doorways were made of the finest silk. All of them were either while or light green to reflect the forest itself. The entire community reflects and pays tribute to their homeland that protects and serves them. I enjoy being in the forest too as one who has always lived among the forest it feels like coming home when I am within it. Knowing that I will not get anymore sleep with these thoughts going around in my head, I decide it is a good time to get up and go for a run.

I kick the blanket off and stretched my limbs. I quickly write a note for anyone who might come looking for me know where I have gone and when I might return. The sun has not yet risen giving me time to soak in and enjoy the light of the moon. I don't have to move like a shadow here, you come and go as you please as long as you are not doing so with intent to harm. The forest has its own lifeforce that can feel when evil or malicious intentions are within its regions. The forest itself would not let you return if that were the case, instead it would change the paths you were following until you became lost and either keep you there until you die or force you out completely.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2023 ⏰

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