From friends to family

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Walking in to the house after Faye and Kane, I am greeted by a pretty blonde woman. She is not as pretty as Faye but she has striking features. Faye or Kane must have told her I was coming along, because she didn't seem surprised to see me. Following Faye to the living room I try to stay as close to her as possible, without making it weird. Just being around her is easing my nerves already.

"You ready for introductions?" Faye says to me after getting comfortable.

"Sure." I say while looking around the room. This is a beautiful home.

Calling to someone that was in the other room, Faye explains that he too is like me and Kane.

"That's pretty unheard of."

"What is?" She asked.

"Three rogue werewolves in one town who are the good kind. It's pretty unheard of. Not many rogues get along with other rouges. How are you so carefree, that all three rogues in this town are good guys and are friends with you?"

"I told you I have been around your kind before, which is another reason why it didn't come as a surprise when you told me. I like to surround myself with kind hearted and nice people, plus I'm just that lovable."

"That sure does explain it!" I said letting out a slightly nervous laugh.

Seeing the man built like only a werewolf can be, walk through the door I immediately catch his scent. I think I know it. His scent is very familiar to me but I can't place it at the moment. He takes long strides over to where we are sitting and I stand to greet him. He is slightly taller than me but not as built as I am. I can see he is still very strong though.

"So you are the extra quest Faye mentioned was coming. You don't have to worry man I am not going to attack you. You can calm down."

Without realizing it I had gotten in to a defense stance. I relax my shoulders and shake my hands out of fists. While I also calm my wolf down, I also release the breath I hadn't noticed I was holding. I stretched my arm out to shake his hand and apologize.

"Sorry about that man, I'm still a little on edge. I'm Magnus."

"It's not a problem, Faye told me a little bit about your recent past. I'm sorry to hear you had to go through that. I'm Drayche and this is my wife Erika." He said while rapping his arm around the shoulders of the woman that opened the door for us a few minutes earlier.

"Well that went better than the last time." Faye said laughing loudly.

"Hey in my defense you didn't warn me, that we were alike. I thought he was a rogue." Kane said defending his pride.

"This again? Come on guys find something else to talk about. We all know the story, well except Magnus here."

"Oh Erika you know you like to tell it just as much as we do." Faye said to Erika.

"Do we have to tonight?" Erika whined.

"Absolutely!" Faye squealed.

Groaning Erika announced that she was going to finish up the last details of dinner before we eat. After she leaves the room everyone breaks out into laughter, except for me. Faye realizes they didn't actually tell the the story and she tries to stop laughing. After another minute of them laughing they finally calm down long enough to fill me in.

"When I introduced Kane to Drayche for the first time they literally started to fight." Faye explained, trying to hold another bout of laughter in.

"What were you fighting for?" I ask the room

"We were not warned that we were both werewolves. We caught a whiff of each other and before the girls could stop us we were already baring teeth and throwing fists." Kane answered me.

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