The cookout

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Waking up early after tossing and turning all night, I get ready to go to work. Trying to be quiet while getting a coffee cup to make myself some coffee, a mug falls out of the cabinet shattering. I sigh while rubbing my hands roughly over my face. I grab the broom and dustpan and begin cleaning up the mess when Faye comes running around the corner. Several emotions play over her face quickly before settling on surprise and relief.

With a huge sigh and her shoulders dropping she walks over to me. "I thought someone was trying to break in."

"No just me being clumsy. I'm sorry I woke you. I was trying to be quiet so you could rest." I sweep everything up and dumped it in the trash.

"No, it's okay I was already awake. I didn't sleep good last night anyway."

"How come?"

"I don't know. Maybe it was just the events of the last few days. My mind wouldn't turn off, I kept going through everything that has happened and all the new information I have learned. It still aggravates me how Seville and Tarragon hates us being mated."

"I'm sorry Faye. Things will work out how they should. The moon goddess wouldn't have us mated if it weren't meant to be. As for your grandparents, at least they are willing to try to see the world differently. I too had a hard time trying to sleep for the same reasons, along with the Thomas situation. It has been what a month or so since I last ran into him? What is he planning? When will he make his next move?"

"I don't know. There have been so many people who have been on the look out and trying to find out all the information they can on him and where he could be."

"I know. It is just bothering me. I want to be able to get ahead of him just once so I can end this madness. I miss my mom and brother."

"I know you do. Hopefully if we can get my grandparents to see how different everything is maybe they will be willing to help us solve this mystery."

"Hopefully but I am not holding my breath. Anyway, I need to head out. I don't want to be late for work."

I kissed Faye on the top of her head and walked to the front door turning around I almost ran into Faye as she was behind me. She wrapped her arms around me in a hug before pulling my head down to hers. We shared another wonderful kiss where everything around us faded, and it was just the two of us. Pulling away I look into her eyes, "have a good day honey."

I kissed her one last time before walking out the door. The opened the door and called out to me, "be careful."

"I will! See you in a few hours!"

Driving to work was a blur, before I realized it, I was pulling on to the job site and getting out of the truck. Robert gave me another work truck after returning to work, he told me I deserved it because I was the hardest worker he has ever had. Even though I left for a few months without notice he still saw it fit to give me a company work truck. I tried to turn it down because I felt I needed to prove myself again, but he wasn't having any of that. Walking into the temporary office to see what I will be doing today I almost ran into the back of Kane.

"Kane, what are you doing here?"

"Oh, good morning, Magnus, you are early. I am here to check on the final stage of the renovations. The pool has been finished but some of the rooms and walkway still need some work. Although I know you already knew that."

"Good morning. I like being early rather than right on time or late. This job is almost a wrap! I just came in so I can get an idea of what I'll be doing today. Where is Robert?"

"He is in the back of the office, but he should be back in a minute."

"Great! Oh yeah, are you coming to the cookout later today?"

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