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After the events of last night with the mysterious wolf I couldn't think of anything else, besides that atrocious laugh. I could hardly sleep because it kept reverberating through my head. I am glad that Faye stopped by this morning before classes to eat breakfast with me. It truly was a pleasant surprise and did measures for my mood. We made plans to hang out tonight after I get off work. My wolf was especially pleased with this due to not wanting to go back into the woods for a few days.

As I walk the path to the backside of the hotel, where we are working, all I can think about is spending time with Faye later. I know this constant thought will help me get through the hard day I know I'm going to have today. With only a few hours of sleep and the awaiting sight and scent of the werewolf coworker, I was already wishing the day was over. Turning the corner I see Robert talking to one of his established employees.

Heading over to Robert to find out what I am to start on, I see the same white truck from yesterday pulling into the job site parking. Breathing in deep and closing my eyes for a brief second I try to summon all of my strength and pray I can make it through the day. His scent hits me just before I make it all the way to Robert and I almost lost all of my breakfast. Recovering just in time, Robert turns around and sees me coming his way. I quickly mask my discomfort and hope he doesn't see through it.

Robert gave me a few tasks to do that will keep me busy for a little while. My sight keeps drifting to the werewolf I have yet to put a name to. Every time this happens I have to remind my wolf, who is on edge just as much if not more than me, that we'll be seeing Faye later. That thought alone calms us both down incredibly. I believe I will also get to meet the esteemed brother of Faye's, I remember someone told me his name is Zander. I should find out if that is correct later on.

Halfway through my final task I hear Robert calling my name. Looking up to where he is I see him waving for me to come over. I feel nerves start to swirl in the pit of my stomach when I see who is standing next to him. I don't know how I am going to be able to be so close to him without vomiting. I can barely stand his stench from across the job site, where I am working. As I approached them I summon my strength thinking only of later on tonight. I make sure to put on my stern face that I always wore as alpha, especially when in a serious situation.

I came to a stop just a few feet away and it is taking all of my willpower not to barf at the scent of this wolf in front of me. Although you can't see the struggle I am having in my head. I try my best to focus on anything but the man in front of me. Looking around I see the crew working hard but still cracking jokes, to my right. It is an eighty degree day with just enough of a breeze to make it comfortable. To my left is where all the vehicles are parks, with people littering the streets outside the work zone, going about their day. I am drawn back by someone clearing their throat.

"Magnus I don't believe you have meet my architect Thomas Perez. He has worked for me for a couple of years."

"I have seen you on the job but haven't had the time to make introductions, Magnus right?"

"Um yeah Magnus. I have seen you around the site." Wow try not to be so obvious with your discomfort next time Magnus. I internally cringe at my stumbled speech and roll my eyes at myself.

"Well it's nice to finally put a name to the face."

You can say that again, it is for an entirely different reason for me though. He sticks his hand out for me to shake, I reluctantly take it and give him a quick but firm shake. My wolf howls painfully loud at the man's touch almost making me wince at it's intensity. I keep my composer not to let the wolf in front of me know that his presence bothers me. I do have to admit though being this close to him makes it very difficult especially since my wolf is fighting me. I have to get away from him and calm my wolf and myself down soon.

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