Teaming up

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After putting the fire out, we all went inside, our night dampened. We all sit around the living room. The room felt smaller with so many people in it at one time. Sitting around everyone was silent with the recent events playing in their minds. To those of us who know everything that has been occurring the last almost year, this was just another threat to squash and be on the lookout for.

"How long as this been going on?" Tarragon spoke breaking the silence.

"Almost a year now." I answered exhausted.

"Do you have any leads at all?"

"Not much. We don't really know his motives and he likes to do the disappearing act, so it is hard to track him or get ahead of him. We have tried. Even the ones that are helping us from inside the pack can't seem to track his movements. He comes and goes as he pleases."

"We could do a location spell."

"We've tried that too but the witch that is helping him is a very powerful one."

"Well maybe we can spring a trap for him?"

"Wait, we? According to Seville ya'll will not interfere with our problems. What changed?"

"He threatened our granddaughter. I am not okay with that in the least. If helping you get rid of this man keeps Faye safe, then we will help. It is that or we take her and Zander back to the kingdom with us." Seville spoke for the first time since the fire incident.

"I'd much rather stay here for now." Faye said, equally exhausted as I am.

"Very well then, we will help." Tarragon said.

"First things first we need to know what it is he wants and then we need to give it to him. Or at least make him think we are giving it to him." Seville stated matter of fact.

"That answer is simple. He wants me."

"Okay, now we need to come up with how we are going to trap him, when we will do it and where."

It has been two weeks since the threat from Thomas came to us by fire. We have strategically come up with a plan to trap him and break his connection to his witch friend. I had to ask Robert for a week off to deal with this problem. He understood of course. Kane said he found an underground bunker a few miles into the woods that has been abandoned for some time. We cleaned it up and set it up as an interrogation and holding area. The door was hard to pry open, but we finally got it done.

Then all I had to do was get Thomas's attention and spring the trap. We had planned for me to try to get a message to Thomas but since we don't know where he is, I had to send a coded message to my pack telling them I am forfeiting to protect the ones I love. Thomas can have me but leave everyone else alone. I stated in the letter I would be in the woods about five miles away from any town or city, the same place we fought when I was coming back after running away, at noon on the Tuesday of the following week. It should be easy to find especially since he can track my scent.

As a group we have decided to do everything separately or as pairs to not draw Thomas's attention to what we were up to. So here I am on my way to the spot we have chosen to spring our trap. It is just me, no one else as I said in my letter. Faye is protected so I know he will come after me first. I have no intention of Thomas getting the better of me and then going after the ones I love anyway. If that happens, he will never find Faye or Zander, that's for sure.

I reach the rendezvous spot and play the waiting game. I am an hour early to make sure I was the first one here. I wanted to beat Thomas here so I could make sure everything was ready. I didn't bring anything with me, except the clothes on my back to give him the impression that I am truly here to surrender to him. After waiting for the hour to tick by I got comfortable on the rocks nearby. I looked to the sky to judge the time and it was close to noon already, Thomas should be here any second.

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