Familiar scent

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The thoughts that were going through my head earlier stirred back up as we all sat around the now cleaned dining table, playing a game of trivia. The thought of Faye always lifted my mood, and calmed me down. The sight of her always caused me to relax. Being around her made my spirit happy and full of energy. My wolf also felt the same way.

Would it be that big of a deal if my true mate was human? Surly if that is the case then that is how the moon wanted it to be. Right? While growing up our teachers of the pack always told us that if your mate was a human, then you would be separated from your wolf. They also told us your link to the pack will be cut off due to breeding with a non-wolf baring species.

Their reasoning was if you can not bare pups then what use can you be? Thinking about it though wouldn't the babies still be half wolf? They may not get their own wolf but wouldn't they still have some power and wolf-like qualities? I also don't see women as only being useful to breed. There are many powerful she-wolves running packs right alongside of their alpha mate.

 I am shaken out of my thoughts to someone calling my name, because it's my turn to read a card. After three more rounds of the trivia game I know absolutely none of the answers to, we call it a night. We all have to get up early for either work or school. I am thankful that I will be working at the hotel so I can sleep in a little longer than most. Loading up in Kane's truck once again to head home I can't help recap the information he was able to get today.

"So I was able to get a little bit of information about your pack from one of my business partners, employees." Kane said as he walked into my room after I opened the door for him.

"On the second day? Man that is impressive! What were you able to learn?"

"Well I am not sure how you ran your pack while being the Alpha. However from the way it sounds, your brother has stripped everything about you from the pack and pack house. The members do not want to defy Alpha Ryker because he is the rightful alpha of the pack after you lost the duel. Except they are terrified for him and of him. They fear the foul play is at work where your brother is concerned.

"Whether it be a spell or possession, we can not tell for sure at this moment in time. I know you said a powerful witch was working with who ever it is that is seeking for your ultimate undoing. Which means it could be possible that this witch found a way to get to your brother and overcome him and his wolf to spellbind him."

"Wow that is a lot to take in. I had a suspicion that it was a spell causing my brother to act so unlike himself."

"Also somehow the employee was able to get a message for you from one of the pack members. They said someone will come from the pack to find you and fill you in on everything they know."

"Do they say who it will be and when?"

"No. It will probably be difficult and dangerous to do. Finding someone brave enough to go against Alpha Ryker's order will also be difficult. I bet you will know the person and the time when it comes."

"Yeah you are probably right. Thank you Kane even as small as all of this sounds, to me it is huge."

"I know what you mean man, anytime. I should have more information if anything happens within the week or so."

"Thank you again, for everything!"

Coming back to the present I realized we were on Faye's street already and the truck was quiet. I heard light snores coming from behind me. I turned to look at Faye, to see that she was sleeping made me chuckle. I guess we'll have to wake her up in just a minute. Turning in to her driveway I look at Kane and motion to Faye's sleeping form.

Under The Moon's CoverOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz