
31 4 2

I woke up earlier than normal, to try to get a head start on the incessant matters, my day will contain. Totally not looking forward to this, hashtag this sucks! When I reach my office, I immediately dial Iris. She answers after the fifth ring.

"Hello?" I hear her groggy voice.

"Iris! Its Magnus, look I know it's early, but you know I wouldn't bother you if it wasn't important." I start to ramble so I wont get scolded for waking her so early.

"Magnus honey what's wrong?"

"Agatha came to the pack house with bad news, terrifying news actually."

"What do you need?" Iris cut me off before I can start to ramble again.

"We need you come do a protective spell, and a spell that only allows those with permission to enter, around our perimeter." I said quickly.

She was silent for a few moments and I started to wonder if she had fallen back asleep, until I hear her mumble "I'll be there in thirty." She said a quick goodbye and hung up, without further explanation.

Phew that's one thing I can cross off my long list!

Walking down to the kitchen, I see people already bustling around trying to get breakfast ready for the house. I grab an apple and go outside to wait for Iris to arrive. While waiting I talk with the guys who were on night watch. They all said it was a quiet night, nothing out of the ordinary. I was relieved about that, not that I expected something to happen so soon.

Iris pulled in a few minutes later. Going to open her door I get the sweetest hug, second after my mom's.

"Thank you for coming out so quick." I told her while still hugging. She gave me one final squeeze, before letting me go. "Your welcome sweetie. I could hear the urgency in your voice, through the phone." She went to her trunk to get her things to do the spells, while I explained everything going on.

"Maybe Lyddia and I could do a tracking spell together, two is better than one after all."

I look up nodding my head in agreement when I see Agatha coming out of the house. I wave her over and as soon as she is close enough, she runs into Iris's open arms. They hug for a minute before pulling away with large smiles on their faces. While we walk the trail to the perimeter of our territory Agatha and Iris make small talk, to catch up on missed time.

They used to be so close, until me and Agatha had a fight over her cheating on me which lead to her leaving the pack. Shaking my head of the memories I realize we are at the edge of our territory.

"Were here ladies!"

"No offence Iris, but do you think your magic will be enough to withstand a witch powerful enough to hide herself and others?" Agatha said shyly.

Iris chuckled and said she has a few tricks up her sleeve.

Agatha and I stand back and let Iris work. After roughly two hours, she stepped back, visibly exhausted.

"It's done, Magnus. It took longer than I expected but I had to link it to myself. This way it can't be taken down by anyone except me."

"Thank you Iris. We owe you one."

"All I ask for, is for you to stay alive through this. We will get you, and the pack through it."

"I will do my best. Now why don't we head back to the house and eat some food. Iris you can stay as long as you want to." The two women agreed and we made our way back to the house. The next few days went by without a hitch. Our protective measures seemed to be working well and the barrier does what its intended to. We have had a few rouges try to cross in our territory, only to be stopped by the invisible wall. Agatha's deal was that she would get me information as long as I would allow her to return to the pack. I of course said yes. I just hope that all of these changes help protect my people.

Sitting in my office doing paperwork, I hear a rapid knock on my door. Before I am able to answer Nolan swings the door open. I snap my head up at him and see him sweating profusely.

"What's going.."

"We have a problem sir." Nolan explains his behavior while walking back out the door, not letting me finish my question.

I quickly get up and run after him, asking what was going on. He just kept going until we were outside. I immediately see Ryker trapped, in the center of bodies and he is fuming mad. I go to him to ask him what is wrong. Instead of answering me, he shoves me backward.

I stumble a few steps due to being caught off guard. I quickly recover and get into fighting position. "Ryker I don't want to fight you." I yelled at him, but he just wouldn't back down. What has gotten in to him? Why is he angry and trying to fight me? We never fight, we did as kids but never as adults.

"I want your pack, Magnus." Ryker spat my name like it was poison.

Just then our mother came out of the house. "Magnus? Ryker? What is this? Whats going on? Ryker talk to me."

Ryker ignores her and the next words I heard I never thought my brother would say.

"I challenge you Magnus, for the pack."

"No!" Mom yelled grasping at Ryker's arm "No Ryker, think about this please!"

I know the rules, if you win you are the alpha. If you lose the you can either submit or leave the pack, to become a rouge. "I decline your challenge Ryker. You're not thinking straight. Please calm down and let's talk about this."

"You can not decline a challenge! Fight me Magnus. I win I become alpha and you will be exiled. I lose and I will leave the pack forever."

"NO! Ryker I will not fight you. You are my brother."

"Which means I have every right you challenge you, brother." The way he said brother made me cringe and broke my heart at the same time. "Fine let's do this but if you lose you don't have to leave forever."

"Magnus, what are you doing!" Mom says running toward me.

"Nolan, Jace, get her out of here!" I bark.

"I'd rather die than submit to you again." With that said we began the fight, against our mother's screams for us to stop. I don't want to hurt him, but if it is a fight he wants then a fight he will get. Maybe I can hold back so I don't hurt him too bad. While having this silent debate in my head, I didn't see him move, and when I did it was too late.

He was already on top of me. I quickly threw my left arm to block his punch, while simultaneously throwing my right fist making contact with his jaw. He stumbles back but does not take long to recover. He stomps towards me as he opens and closes his mouth, to test his jaw.

I plead with him to stop to no avail. What happened while he was in town?

"Ryker please I don't want to hurt you." I cried.

My attempts were futile, it felt like my words were not getting through to him at all. We throw a few more punches before he hits me in the eye. I return the punch hitting him in the nose, breaking it. It hurt me to have to fight him, we have an unbreakable bond, or so I thought.

He is my best friend. He is my weakness and he knows it. As I try to plead with him, I feel myself starting to breakdown. It took everything in me just to block his hits.

I whisper "I'm sorry" to my people, my family and my friends, I know now that I will lose this fight. I just can't continue to hurt my brother like this. I know something is wrong, but everything is moving too fast.

I hit the ground and everything goes dark.


Again I do not own the rights to any of the pictures. (I got them from google.) Thank you all for reading! Please if you like this story so far, comment and vote! I appreciate all of it! 

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