Unexpected visitor

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The sun was setting over the horizon, lighting up the sky with beautiful colors. I knew as the evening approached, dangers lurked in the shadows. I decided it was time to call it a day. I quickly finished what I was teaching in our daily training session, so everyone could enjoy the night.

As we were heading inside with my pack surrounding me, I hear them cracking jokes and laughing. I have never been happier, I finally have everything I worked so hard for my whole life!

I heard my name being called, looking up I realized it was Nolan, my adviser. "You have some more paperwork to look over and approve, Sir."

"Nolan how many times do I have to tell you to just call me Magnus."

"Whatever you say, sir" He said while shooting me a crooked smirk.

I try to scold him, but I still can't stop the grin thats growing on my face, as I maneuver around the bodies in the room. I make my way to my office to get my work done. While I am passing one of the rooms on the second floor, I hear my brother talking to our mother.

I knocked on the door and entered when I heard an exasperated "come in."

 When I walked in, I asked what they were talking about.

"Ryker here was just telling me about a girl he has met," My mother said with a smile. "He wants to know how to tell if she is his mate."

"Ugh mom come on; I don't want the whole pack to know before I ask her out!" Ryker complained.

"Well mom go ahead tell him how he will know. However, I am pretty sure if you have to ask then you know she isn't the one!"

"Magnus, don't you have work to do." Ryker shot back, getting heated.

Throwing my hands up in surrender while uttering "alright, alright I'm leaving. But I'm telling you man if you don't feel like you're going to die when she is not around then she isn't the one."

I continue on my way to my office, while hoping I can get my work done before midnight. I need to get some decent sleep tonight.

Climbing in to bed I see that it is 1:30 in the morning, I groan at how late it is, even though I worked faster than normal to try to get in bed sooner. As I lay in bed. I replay the conversation, my mother, brother and I had earlier in the night. I know what is supposed to happen and how you are supposed to feel when you find your mate. I still can't help but wonder what it really feels like, to your body mind and soul. Not that I am really searching for my mate yet.

I know the time will come when the moon allows her to be revealed to me. With that thought in mind I drift off in to a deep sleep. The next morning, I awake to the smell of food cooking. I quickly take a shower and get dressed for the day before making my way downstairs where everyone is bustling around.

Deciding to go for a run, I walk outside and head towards the trail we use for running and hunting. I used to run every day before I became alpha. I love the freedom of running. It helps me clear my head and think straight.

While halfway through my run I catch an unfamiliar scent. I try for about an hour to track it down, but gave up when I lost it for the hundredth time. It was like it was everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

When I got back to the house most everyone was cleared out going about their daily work. I grabbed some breakfast before it was all gone and ate while thinking about that mysterious scent. I brushed it off, finished my food and left to do some business, before training begins.

Around noon everyone takes a break from their chores and duties to grab some lunch. While everyone is eating, I get a phone call from someone I have been in business with for a few years. I step in to my office to take the call, only to stop dead in my tracks.

There in my office by the window stood someone I never thought I would see again, and frankly I didn't want to see again.

"What are you doing here!" I heard my voice boom.

My wolf started to get unsettled as well and was pacing in my head, begging to be released. "I asked you a question!" I spoke again this time releasing a growl, along with my words.

Slowly the person in front of me turned to look at me smiling, and with a voice so sweet it was sickening said "I'm here to make you a deal."

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