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After being outside for several hours just soaking in the sunlight, I went back in the bunker and woke the other guys up. Thomas jumped when I shook him, and it seemed like it took him a minute to remember where he was. I'll have to ask him about that later. Right now, we have a plan to set in motion. We all decided that the bunker was no longer needed for the time being and headed into town when everyone was up. We stopped in at the diner and ate breakfast.

It was the first real meal we have all had in days and we all enjoyed in comfortable silence. Which was a little strange with Thomas present. I never would have thought his presence would be comfortable. I feel like a piece of me I never knew I lost was finally in place. I felt stronger and more relaxed than ever before.

After we were done eating, I stepped away to call Robert and tell him about what is going on. As much as I want to get back to my pack, I will miss working with Robert and the crew. There are so many people I have connected with through this journey that I never would have met, and I am reluctant to let it all go. I need to figure out how I can make everything work. This is why we werewolves usually stay within our world, so humans don't get attached to us and vice versa.

Thomas came up to me to let me know everyone was ready to go so we made our way to Faye's house. When we got there, I could feel Faye close by, walking into the house she was sitting on the couch with her grandparents and Zander. I walked to her as she stood up and held on to her for longer than was comfortable for the others in the room. I was more relaxed, and my mind was clear when we pulled apart. She seemed to relax too.

"So, I am sure you have been filled in. Yes?"

"We have Magnus. We have some things to discuss with you as well."

"Of course, Tarragon. First, I would like everyone to officially meet Thomas." I said beckoning him to come closer and away from the door.

"I want to formally apologize for everything I have put you all through. I was lied to my whole life, made to believe that Magnus and anyone associated with him were the enemy. I am truly sorry for everything I have done and said."

"Thomas, I am Faye." She introduced herself and held out her hand for a handshake. He took her hand and shook it before letting his hand fall back to his side. "It was not your fault what happened to you, you are forgiven."

"Thank you, Faye." He said sincerely.

Zander stood up and also shook Thomas's hand, "I am Zander, Faye's brother. Although you have been forgiven due to your circumstances, I have to say if you ever hurt Faye, like you did with that little trick with Magnus, I will kill you."

"I understand. I will never hurt any of you again."

We all stared at Zander in shock, never expecting anything like that to come from him. He has never had a violent bone in his body. He caught on that everyone was staring at him and just shrugged before explaining, "Seems like learning who you really are, makes you grow up a little bit."

I nod in understanding, motion to Faye's grandparents, and introduce them also. They were not overly excited to see him here, but they didn't protest. After introductions we sat down and became serious.

"What is it you needed to talk about Tarragon?"

"We will help you, on one condition."

"And what would that be?"

"Ensure that your brother over here doesn't do anything like this again. We kept to ourselves because of rouges before we will do it again."

"I can't speak for him, but I have already committed myself to helping him."

Under The Moon's CoverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora