The Bramblewood's

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Completely shocked and speechless she moved out of the way and allowed the two to enter the house. Clearing away some of the books and notebooks, I made a place for them to sit on the couch. After they were seated, I cleared the chair for Faye to sit and brought myself a chair from the kitchen. I didn't know who these people were or if they were telling the truth, but Czar didn't seem to sense anything that was untrust worthy. However, I still kept my guard up just in case. Hearing all of the noise Zander came out of his room and stopped in his tracks as he saw the two strangers on the couch.

Without even turning around the woman called to Zander, "Come Zander, we want you to be a part of this as well."

Cautiously, he walked over to us. Standing up I gave him my chair and stood beside Faye. We were throwing curious and confused glances back and forth between the three of us. The other two people, who claim to be Faye and Zanders grandparents, just sat there stock, and reformed like this was a normal part of their day. Although, they did not adorn crowns atop their heads they did seem to be regal, and power intimated off of them. I opened my mouth to start the conversation, but before I could get anything out, I was cut off.

"You may leave us wolf; this doesn't concern you." The lady said.

"No, he can stay. Whatever it is you are going to tell us, he can hear it. He is family too." Faye spoke up.

"How is he related to you?" She asked.

"He is my mate." Faye answered confidently.

Hearing that she had a look of shock and disdain that she quickly covered up with a small smile that thinned her lips. "I suppose thanks are in order! That must be the reason the cloaking spell was broken on Faye and Zander!" Though she didn't say it out loud I could tell her excitement was not completely real, she did seem excited that the spell was broken but not about me being the cause of it. 

Faye looked like she wanted to ask a question she seemed confused about. Another minute went by, and she seemed to have made up her mind on asking the question.

"A cloaking spell? How did we have a cloaking spell on us?"

"If we are to answer all of your questions you need to pay attention. Ask questions along the way if you must. We will tell you everything." The man spoke for the first time.

"Okay." Faye said.

"Let us start at the very beginning shall we! This is Tarragon Bramblewood, and I am Sivelle Bramblewood, king and queen of the Woodland Fairies. Faye, Zander we are your maternal grandparents."

"Hold on! You are royals? Like a real king and queen?" Zander asked.

"Yes! Your mother is our daughter, she was next in line for the throne. We knew she did not want to be the next queen while she was a young adult. However, we believed she would outgrow her stubbornness and accept her fate but one day she left and never came back. We learned that she had visited a witch to have a cloaking spell put on her so we could not track her. We knew she had been visiting the human region, what we did not know was that she had fallen for one, your father.

"Over the years we have been able to catch sightings of her and learn her new names before she changed them again. When she fell with child, we were able to keep a better eye on her since she did not move around as much nor change her name. Those we had on watch kept us updated frequently. That is how we knew your names. Until one day when your parents moved again, and a cloaking spell was cast on all of you. Until now we have not been able to find you, even if you had been standing in front of us, we would not have been able to see you for who you really are."

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