Tokomaru, for the millionth time.

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Toko's not the kind of person who falls in love at one glance. There's never been a cute coffee barista who's caught her eye, or a lonely stranger waiting in line at a bodega that seems alluring. 

The only time she had ever truly fallen in love was a bitter and toxic relationship that had lasted years before both parties realized how miserable they were. 

Toko was deeply in love with him, and he felt obligated to date her. He found out he was gay, and she realized he didn't love her back. The breakup was long, and dark, and awful. After a few years, it felt like Toko was ready to escape from the sinkhole that was her heartbreak.

All in all, Toko didn't fall in love at first sight. So when she got on the bus to head to her office as a writer for a video game company, she didn't expect to see the love of her life. 

It's not like she was doing anything strange that made Toko look at her. The golden light of sunrise illuminated her hair like honey. She was standing across from Toko, flipping through a popular girl's manga.

And Toko fell in love. Her heart stopped. The heat in her face fled to her cheeks. It felt like a shot of adrenaline had been pumped through her veins.

The simplicity of this girl, this woman wearing a business suit but reading a manga meant for teenage girls. Her tie was light pink with sakura blossoms, obviously being picked with a good eye. Her short hair had a single strand sticking up, slick with gel as if she was trying to keep it down but it kept sticking up in a small arc.

Everything about her was beautiful, from her hair sticking up all the way down to her Mary Janes with a single heart sticker on them. 

Toko's love language was unfortunate, which was either obsessiveness or acting rude. She was like a little boy at a playground, pulling girl's pigtails because she didn't know any other way to get their attention.

"Your hair is sticking up." She blurts out to the woman. 

"Oh, I know." She laughs, putting a finger in the page of the manga she was it. And she looked up at Toko.

"It always stays up. It like... it..." 

And she falls in love.

"It...?" Toko gestures.

"It, um, defies physics." 

And they fell in love.

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