Tokomaru, once again

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It's a rainy afternoon, and Toko and I are cuddling on the couch like we always do. Toko's typing away on her laptop while I'm shuffling through my tarot cards. I can tell she's writing an action scene in her book right now, because she's scowling. She hates writing action scenes.

Suddenly there's a loud boom, and a bright flash of light outside our window. The overhead lights flicker out and there's a low beeping from the microwave as it dies. Toko's laptop flickers out as well, since it's an old computer that has to always be connected to an outlet so it doesn't die.

She screams and curls up into fetal position.

"Woah, Toko!" I shout, putting my arms around her.

"Are you okay??" She's hyperventilating. I know she's afraid of the dark, but she had been getting better. I guess when it suddenly happens, it scares her more.

"Stay with me. I'm gonna find a candle or something." I brush a lock of her purple hair out of her face and dash over to the kitchen. I rummage through the cupboards. Nothing. On top of the fridge. Nothing. Why don't we have any candles?? On a stroke of genius, I instead grab my phone and turn on the flashlight.

I sit next to Toko and stroke her back softly. She looks up with a sad expression on her face. The flashlight makes dark shadows on her face.

"Cmere." She takes off her glasses and lays down on my lap, nestling into my chest. I continue stroking her back.

"It's okay. You're safe." I tell her.

"I thought I was getting better." She says softly. She looks angry at herself.

"You are doing better. It's just sudden darkness, it would scare anyone." I reassure her.


"Yeah. The lights will come on any second now, just wait." Toko smiles.

"Okay. Thanks, Omaru." She calls me her dorky nickname.

"Of course, Toko."

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