naezono and snowballs!

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Makoto waited impatiently outside of his girlfriend's house, watching the door for any sign of movement. It was the biting kind of cold that just kept bothering him, and she said she would be out any second- but it had been 10 minutes since then. Makoto peeked in the front window, the soft yellow light emitting from her various lamps looking extremely warm and inviting. 

He thought for a couple seconds, brushing a couple of snowflakes out of his hair. That's it! 

Makoto ran around the side of her house, scooping up a mitten-full of snow and pressing it into a moderately sized ball. He could Sayaka's window from here, so he was sure that he could hit it and reminder her that her boyfriend is waiting outside.

He closed one eye and leveled his arm, and with a throw that could rival Leon's, he catapulted it straight to the window. 

He watched in awe as the snowball landed perfectly... through the window? Sayaka yelped from inside, and Makoto had to blink a couple times before realizing what just happened. The blue haired girl stormed out to the window, the snowball quickly melting on her head.

"Oh my gosh I am so sorry I meant to hit your window!" Makoto wheezed, trying not to burst into laughter. Of course he felt bad, but in the moment it was hilarious. 

"You started a fight with the wrong girl." Sayaka glared, a small smile coming to her face. 

To Makoto's surprise she jumped out the window, landing on a bed of snow. Before he knew what was happening, a snowball was in in his face.

"So that's how it's going to be!" Makoto grinned, wiping the residue off with his sleeve.

He picked up a snowball and was about to throw it, but Sayaka beat him to the punch with a snowball right to his gut. Makoto feebly threw his snowball afterwards, but Sayaka expertly dodged it.

Makoto feigned hurt as he got another one ready, but something stopped him in his tracks. Sayaka was whimpering.

"Makoto... I'm so cold! I'm not even wearing my winter jacket." He turned his gaze to her, now noticing she was still only wearing a skirt and a thin hoodie. Her arms were wrapped around herself for warmth, and he blue hair was fluttering in the cold wind.

"Ah, okay. Let's go inside then." Makoto gave her a smile and put down the ammo he was holding.

Then Sayaka smirked and Makoto knew it was all too late.

She picked up a premade weapon and threw it straight to his head, knocking Makoto onto his back. 

"Gotcha." She smiled, sitting next to Makoto on the snow.

"You did get me." He grinned. He crawled up on his knees and gave her a short kiss, the feeling of warmth very welcome.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2021 ⏰

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