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My name is Keebo Idabashi, I'm an intern at a police precinct, and I am currently crushing on a detective. His name is Shuichi Saihara, and he is the coolest person I have ever met. Well, he's socially awkward and painfully shy, but that's kind of why I like him.

He took me out on a job last week. It was a pretty small job- just protecting a parade downtown. I had been filing some old cases away and was painfully bored. He needed an extra person there and called me over.

"Hey, intern. You're Keebo, right?" Startled, I had whacked my head on the metal shelf, as I was leaning over to put a box in the shelf.

"Ack! Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you!" He squeaks, running over to help me out. 

He seemed to be so close to me in the moment, his grey eyes lined with eyeliner wide with concern. I felt my face heat up.

"No sir! Sorry sir!" 

He scratched the back of his neck. "No need to be so formal."

It was then, watching the timid man, I realized I liked him.

Back to present time, I'm getting a cup of water from the water cooler. I've been looking for an excuse to talk to Shuichi ever since that parade day, but he and I are both too nervous I'm pretty sure.

I notice Shuichi talking to his coworker, a detective named Kaede. 

"Wanna go on a cigarette break?" I hear Kaede offer, and Shuichi agrees. This is my chance! Go socialize, Keebo.

"Oh! May I come?" I pipe into their conversation. They look over to me, pretty confused.

"You smoke, Keebo?" Kaede asks. 

"Yep!" I say, maybe a bit too quickly. Shuichi shrugs.

"Alright, let them come." He says, blushing slightly. 

I trail behind them to the balcony. 

In all honesty, I don't smoke, I've never smoked, and never wanted to. The only time I've done anything like that was in college when my friend Miu and I took edibles together. 

Kaede pulls out a pack of cigarettes and hands one to both Shuichi and I. Shuichi pulls out a lighter and expertly lights the tip. He holds out the flame to me, and I realize he's offering to light mine for me.

I cautiously hold out the cigarette and just barely let the tip touch the flame, but I see it still start to burn.

This is my chance to impress him. I've got this.

I hold the cigarette to my lips and inhale deeply.

It burns! It burns like I just inhaled a dustpan! I try and hold the coughing in, but I start coughing uncontrollably. 

"Woah! Are you okay??" Shuichi puts a hand on my shoulder, which only makes me cough more.  After a solid ten seconds of trying to keep my lungs in, I'm finally able to breathe.

I bury my face in my hands, incredibly embarrassed. I can't believe I just did that in front of Shuichi!

"You... don't smoke, do you?" Shuichi asks me, laughing slightly. I peek out of my hands.


"That was adorable!" He says, laughing even harder. I take my hands away from my face and laugh a little too. Wait, what did he just say? He stops laughing as he realizes what he said at the same time I did.

"Not adorable- uh, not that I'm saying you're cute, well I'm not saying that you're not NOT cute..." He starts rambling, avoiding my eyes.

"I get it." I smile, also looking away.

"Holy shit, can you guys just go out already?" Kaede interrupts, rolling her eyes. 

I'm pretty sure Shuichi was blushing for the rest of the day.

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