More soft bandaid except Mikan's pregnant!

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"Come ooooon Mikan, we're gonna be late!!" Ibuki shouts, pulling her wife's arm.

"Ibuki, I have to finish my makeup, just one second..." Mikan says admantadly, shoving Ibuki off her with a light push.

"It's been like a trillion seconds! Mahiru and Hiyoko are gonna kill us if we're late to our double date AGAIN."

"Ibuki, you know that you made us late last time because you couldn't find your demonias. Now let me finish my eyeliner without you jostling me around, otherwise I'll never finish." Mikan pouts, scowling in concentration as she tries to finish her winged eyeliner.

Ibuki groans and plops down on their couch. She props her feet up on the coffee table and scrolls through instagram, waiting for her wife to finish.

"Oooh! Sayaka is touring again, we should call her and see how she's doing." Ibuki says loudly, not looking at her wife. When there's no response, she glances up to look at Mikan and notices she's softly crying, still trying to do her eyeliner.

"Ah! Hey, what's wrong baby?" Ibuki rushes over, in overprotective wife mode.

"N-nothing!" Mikan sniffs. However she starts breaking down once again.

"You can tell me." Ibuki swings around the chair Mikan is sitting in and sits on her lap, blocking her view from the mirror. She puts her hand on Mikan's, lowering the eyeliner from her face.

"I-I'm just so jealous of Mahiru. Even when she's pregnant too, she's still so fit, and-and skinny, and I feel" She breaks down, black lines streaming down her face.

Ibuki looks at her with wide eyes. She pulls Mikan close to her, putting a hand on her round stomach.

"You are carrying our CHILD, Mikan. Of course you aren't going to look like how you used too, and that's okay! Mahiru is barely 3 months, plus women's bodies are just-just different!" Mikan tearfully looks up a Ibuki.

"It's just the hormones making you think that. You are still CRAZY hot. Trust me!" She grins at Mikan, who smiles softly. Ibuki wipes away the black marks on her face.

"O-okay. Thank you, Ibuki. Let's go see our friends." The two stand up, clutching hands. Mikan grabs her purse, and right before they leave, Ibuki gives her wife a peck on the nose.

"Oh! Let me grab my mascara at least." Mikan says last minute. Ibuki groans.

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