tokomaru brainrot

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"Toko, holy shit, look at this." Toko averted her gaze from the rows of peeps she was looking at and turned toward her girlfriend.

"Hell no." She said immideatly as her eyes landed on the sweaters Komaru was holding.

"Noooooo!" Komaru frowned, tugging her back to face the sweaters.

"Look look look. You can have the green one that says 'she's my chick' and I can have that one that says 'I'm his chick'"

"Ko, that is the straightest thing I have ever seen."

"But it would be funny cuz we're both girls." Komaru keeps giggling, her pale cheeks flushing pink.

"Like I'm your CHICK." Her giggling morphs into a snort. In spite of herself Toko laughs with her.

"You- that doesn't even-" Toko can't stop laughing now as well, and there they are, trying not to be loud in the middle of the target they were in.

"So-" Komaru snorts, "Can we get them?"

"HELL no."

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