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It was a rainy day in Towa City, and Komaru and I were both extremely wet and exhausted. We had been looking for ways out of the city for days on end with no results.

"Hey- my old place is nearby, and we're both like suuuuper tired. Can we please just stop there to rest?" Komaru asks, tugging on a strand of my hair. I swat her hand away. She's always so touchy feely.

"Please...!" I groan. I follow her to an apartment building, and up the stairs to a room near the highest floor. She crashes on her old bed immediatley.

"Ooooh sweet pillows, come to mama!" She sighs. I roll my eyes at her, and go to put on a pot of hot water to make ramen. I don't want Omaru over there getting a cold or anything, otherwise I'd have to take care of her stupid ass.

After putting the pot on, I go over and notice she's still wearing her soaking wet schoolgirl clothes.

"I'm not stripping you down, Komaru." I state, plopping down on the bed next to her. I'm still wearing my wet clothes too, I realize.

"I don't want to share a bed with you if you're going to make the whole bed wet!" I push her lightly, and notice she's not responding at all so I flip her over onto her back. She's completely out cold, her face pale and still, soft breaths coming in and out of her slightly open mouth.

Stupid Komaru, with her looking like a baby when she sleeps. With her soft skin and pale cheeks. Trying not to look, I slowly take off her skirt and shirt to reveal her bra and bicycle shorts. I take off the shorts as well and feel my face heat up.

I just happen to glance at her body while standing up to put her clothes in the bathtub, and I notice how she has a light scattering of freckles across her, um, chest and thighs. Feeling even more flustered, I storm off into the bathroom.

What is wrong with me? Why do I care so much about Naegi's stupid sister? And why... why do I want to go back there, and look at her again? I've never felt this way about anyone. Not... not even master.

What would he think? Would he feel betrayed? I sit down on the edge of Komaru's bathtub and rest my face in my hands. Would he even care?

I can't think about this right now. I change into some random clothes from Komaru's wardrobe. I'm too tired to make ramen so I just turn off the lights and lay down next to the girl.

The rain is pounding outside the building, so i'm glad we're safe and warm in here.

"Hey. Toko." I hear a quiet whisper. I look over to Komaru, who's eyes are barely open.

"Hey Komaru." I reply. I softly take her hand from under the covers and squeeze it softly. She squeezes back. Closing her eyes, I watch her drift back into unconciousness.

I don't need master.

I have Komaru.

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