Random ship and prompt generator challenge!

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(This is so hard I NEVER would have though to ship them akhsiuhdsk so I'm sorry if this is terrible, and y'all KNOW I love rare pairs so even this is hard haha)

Ship: Tsumugi x Mikan

Prompt: Mikan absolutely loves the taste of the chap stick/lip balm Tsumugi uses, so they keep stealing kisses from Tsumugi.

It was a peaceful Sunday afternoon, and Tsumugi and Mikan were cuddling and watching anime together. Tsumugi was watching the show avidly, eyes wide and excitedly talking about the lore and strange facts about the episode. She was stroking  Mikan's hair while doing so. Mikan wasn't really watching the anime, just giving a few "mhm"s or "ooh"s to Tsumugi's rant. She was just happy that her girlfriend was paying attention to her, and was cuddled up into Tsumugi's chest. 

The doorbell rang suddenly, interrupting the peacefulness of the afternoon. 

"I'll get it." Mikan interjects into Tsumugi's speech, and slides out of her girlfriend's lap. Tsumugi rustles her hair as she's leaving, making her incredibly flustered.

Mikan opens the door. It's a mailman, who has a package for Tsumugi. Mikan signs off the package for her, and take the mid-sized box from him. 

"It's for you, honey." Mikan says nervously. She was still getting used to using pet names. 

"Ooh, thanks! It must be those fabrics I ordered last week." Tsumugi paused the show. She walked over to Mikan, taking the package from her, and gave her a quick peck on the lips. 

Mikan noticed when Tsumugi kissed her, she smelled something really good. When she licked her lips, it tasted like cherry pie. Literally, like a fresh baked cherry pie. It tasted insanely good, and it took Mikan a fair amount of willpower not to run over to Tsumugi and kiss her again. 

What is that chapstick? Why does it taste so good? 

"Hey, Tsumugi!" Mikan says, running over to her blue-haired girlfriend.

"Eh?" She asks, cutting into the box with a knife. Mikan leans over the box, and kisses Tsumugi again on the lips.

"Ah! Goodness Mikan, it's plain to see how affectionate you are today!" Tsumugi blushes. Mikan smiles, neither confirming or denying her statement.

Mikan smiles innocently at her, but when she walks away she licks her lips slyly, tasting the cherry pie chapstick.

"Why are you licking your lips?" Tsumugi asks, laughing slightly. 

"Ehh?! N-no reason!" Mikan squeaks, running into their bedroom. Tsumugi watches her go, confused, but she shrugs it off.

Later that day the two were eating dinner together, when Mikan suddenly reaches across the table and kisses Tsumugi, licking her lips afterwards.

Tsumugi giggles, finally realizing what was going on.

"Aha! So you like the new chapstick I'm wearing, huh." Mikan turns pink and jumps up.

"N-no!" She pouts.

"...Can't I just show my girlfriend a little love...?" 

"I kissed a girl and I liked iiiiit..." Tsumugi sings, laughing. She runs over to Mikan and tackles her onto the couch.


"The taste of her cherry pie chapstick!" Tsumugi snuggles into Mikan's chest, and the purple haired girl squeals, fighting back a smile.

"Hehe. You're the cutest! You're my little Kanna Kamui." Mikan didn't know who that was, but she took it as a compliment anyways.

She scooted down on the couch so her and Tsumugi's faces were even, and kissed her once more. 

"I should wear this chapstick more often, if you're gonna kiss me so much." Tsumugi says.

(This was actually really fun, I should do this again haha)

(also now I low-key ship this 0.0)

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