Tenmaki and Author's Note

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Maki was at the gym, doing some cardio on the bike machine before she had to go to her 10 AM class. The gym wasn't too crowded today, it being a Friday and all. 

There was this one girl she had been watching for the past ten minutes, attempting (and failing) to do a chin up pullover on the bars at the opposite side of the gym. She obviously wasn't a gymnast, but she looked so determined to do it that Maki couldn't help but get off her machine and try to help her.

"Hey. Do you need help?" Maki asked after drying off. The girl yelped in surprise and fell off the bar. 

"No, and I almost had it." She grumbled, kicking the mat. Maki fought back a smile.

"You have to engage your core muscles, not your arms." She did the gymnastics move easily and landed in decent form. 

The girl tried again, making it halfway up before falling into a jumble on the mats. Her long blackish-green hair was getting in the way.

"Here." Maki swept the other girl's hair into two parts and tied them with the two ponytails she kept on her wrist. Tingles moved up her hand when she accidentally touched the girl's neck.

"S-sorry." She blushed. The girl laughed.

"It's okay. I'm Tenko, by the way. Tenko Chabashira." 

"Maki Harukawa." The two shook hands, and Maki realized that this girl was really pretty. Like, she could imagine her being some sort of forest goddess or nymph or something. Maki, you useless bisexual, get it together and help this girl on her form. 

Tenko tried the form again and astonishingly completed it. 

"Good job." She grins and holds a hand up to do a thumbs up.

"ThaAAANKS!!" She yelps, falling off the bar. She lands on the mat with a thump and groans loudly.

Maki holds out her hand and helps her up. Tenko's hands are calloused and warm.

"Hey do you wanna get coffee or something?" She asks. Her face is red, and not just from exertion. 

"Sure" Maki smiles. We chat as we leave the gym, and she finds out she's a football player at her college. Maki realizes just as they enter the cafe that she has a class in 10 minutes. She has to run off to make it, but doesn't forget to get Tenko's number before she goes.

'How cute' She thinks while running through the streets.

Hey everyone! I am going to be posting more one shots now that I'm taking antidepressants and actually have motivation to do things. Thank you all for supporting me and give me requests in the comments! 


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