Tenko x Sayaka

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"Babe, I want a cat." Tenko says one day out of the blue. She's playing video games, and I'm working on lyrics for a new song of mine.

"You-you know our landlord doesn't allow pets, love." I pat her head nervously. Whenever Tenko gets her mind set on something, she sticks with it and never gives up. Like when I was complaining to her about the restrictive dieting my agency makes me do, and she created a petition to abolish the skinny culture in Japan.

"But imagine a little kitty! With a cute little bow around it's neck! Plus, it can rip out the hearts of any men that come by! Like your stupid manager! And, it's like, lesbian culture!" I laugh. 

"What a vicious beast!" 

"Oh pleeeeaaaase Sayaka?" She rolls over to me and puts her head on my thigh. She's only wearing one of my oversized shirts, and her hair is loose and spread out across our couch. She's so cute that it's impossible to say no.

"Are you willing to do anything for this cat?" I say, suddenly serious. Her eyes widen.

"Yes! How'd you know?"

"I'm psychic! I kiss her forehead and retreat to my room.

Deep down, I know we can't get a cat. I'm too busy with idol work to take care of one, and Tenko has to work at her dojo often.

Suddenly an idea pops into my head. A costume I saved from my high school days. I fish through my wardrobe before coming out with the perfect outfit. This will be mortifying... oh well! I will do anything for the people I love.

I walk out with a huge grin on my face. Tenko doesn't notice me until I clear my throat.

"Meow meow! I'm just a little cat who needs help from a big, strong, girl!"

Tenko's entire face flushes bright red. I feel like my face is doing the same currently. She walks up to me and picks me up, bridal style.

"Sayaka. I love you." She says with wide eyes.

"Hehe! Love you too, Tenko." She gives me a soft kiss. 

"Still want a cat?" I ask her.

"Not when I got one right here."

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