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"Makiiii! Oh Maki!" Kaito calls.

I scowl and grip tighter on my gun. He's not going to get me this time, now that I'm ready. He won't expect to find me inside the school bus, it's usually not seen as a good vantage point so he won't even think to look in here. I can jump from the window and shoot him on my way down.

"Cmon babe, I know you're a tactical genius but I'm your boyfriend!"

His words don't faze me. 

"Ha!" I whisper, unheard over the sounds of music as he walks into my view. Sweat is dripping down his face and onto his vest. His hands are clenched so tight around his gun that they're turning white. With one final check my hands are positioned right, I leap out the window and shoot him square in the chest.

"Argh!" He falls backwards in surprise, raising his hands in terror. I level my gun.

"Maki... please... I love you..." He gasps, clutching his chest. 

"Damn you're dramatic. It's laser tag." I shoot him in the chest again. 

"Oh nooo." He says sarcastically.

"What. Why aren't you miserable and defeated. The game's almost over and I have more points." 

"That's the cue. Shoot her, boys." I spin around to see my worst enemies- Shuichi, Angie, and Korekiyo, with guns aimed right on me.

"Boom." Korekiyo deadpans.

I'm onslaughted with blasts of laser guns, all the way until the time runs out.

Afterwards while the others are celebrating, I turn to Kaito. He grins sheepishly. 

I pull his collar close to my face and scowl at him.

"You may have one this game... but next time you're dead space boy." He kisses me and backs away.

"Alrighty edgy. Love ya!" 

"Love you too." I say in spite of myself. I give him another frown for good measure, but he only smiles. 

"Whatever. Dork." 

Danganronpa One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now