komahina <3

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You never quite sleep well ever again.

Even the nights where you get 8 or more uninterrupted hours. Even the nights where nagito is cuddled into your arms, there as always, if you wake from a nightmare. Even the nights where you happily dream about beaches and video games and friendship.

Sometimes it's obvious it's bad. Sometimes you wake up at two AM in a panic, your heart racing as Ibuki's dead body hangs in front of you. You grab your phone and call her, and she answers. She always does.

"Ibuki was asleep." She whines each time, they all do, but it's understandable.

"Ibuki's alive, Hajime-tan. Go back to bed." There is usually a quiet murmuring as Mikan besides her mumbles that she's alive as well.

Sometimes it's so bad you go through your contact list of your friends, calling each one until you can repeat the last words they said to you over and over and over again in your mind. Nagito is usually awake, he always has been for a while, but doesn't say anything until you're clutching your phone, your breathing rapid.

You two don't talk, but he holds you. Sometimes he says "I love you," barely heard above the whooshing of the air conditioner. Sometimes you are both too tired to comprehend speech and you crash until the next morning.

You love the morning once you get out of bed. You do your routine- brush your teeth, get dressed, drink a cup of orange juice with some cereal for breakfast, and take your daughter to school.

Living with Dissociative Identity Disorder is hard, but you and Nagito make it work. You cut your hair once a week because you know the second it gets long, Izuru will front. There are words nobody says around you. You always have to have music playing or a TV show in the background, or you will get... bored. That's one of the words no one says. Because while everyone loves Hajime, Izuru... is an enigma.

You still never sleep well, though. Even when you're completely happy, not a care in the world, you still wake up in the mornings absolutely miserable. In the game you would simply stew in your sadness, letting the waves control you and overtake you.

But now... You have a husband and a daughter who loves you. A group of friends so close it's inseparable.

The waves go away eventually, and you can face the day. It gets better, and every day, you feel the light shining brighter.

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