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It was a sleepy morning on Jabberwock island, and Sonia was going over to Akane's cabin to go on a picnic with her.

"Hey Akane, I'm- ahh!" Sonia squeaked, blushing as she realized that Akane had been changing into her clothes. Her skirt was on, but she had been buttoning up her white button down.

"I am very sorry!" Sonia glanced away. Akane laughed.

"Ha! It's okay princess, we've been dating for like, half a year. You're fine!" She giggled and bonked her head lightly on Sonia's. She laughed, and watched as Akane finished buttoning up her shirt. She noticed something strange about her shirt, however. The white fabric was too tight on her abs and bust, and too loose on the collar. She could see Akane physically couldn't button up all the way across her chest- Sonia had always thought her girlfriend had done that on purpose.

"Akane, does your shirt not fit you correctly?" Sonia asked, tilting her head slightly. It's now Akane's turn to be embarrassed, as her face reddened for a few seconds.

"Pff, no. I like showing my boobs, ya know!" The blonde girl standing across from her thinked for a moment.

"Aha! We can go shopping together! I am not familiar with what you would like, but-"

"No!" Sonia widened her eyes.

"I mean..." Akane sighed and sat down on her bed with a slump.

"I can't afford to get new clothing... I hafta support my siblings." She shrugged. She didn't want Sonia to see how impoverished she really was.

"I am sorry Akane, I did not mean to offend you." Sonia said sympathetically, rubbing her girlfriend's back lightly.

"You didn't offend me, you're all good!"

"Akane... May I take you on this shopping trip anyways? If you are going to be my girlfriend you will wear nice clothing! And your siblings too!" Akane started to interject, worried that Sonia would spend too much money, but she realized that Sonia probably had heaps and heaps of it in Novoselic.

"I'm not just like a charity case or anything?" Akane asked once they're leaving the cabin.

"Not at all. I love you and you are my girlfriend, whom I will treat." Sonia kissed Akane on the forehead and continued on.

"Love ya too, princess." Akane said with a grin.

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