Chapter 24

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I woke up to the sound of a guitar playing quietly. I opened my eyes and found a bare-chested Luke Hemmings sit on the edge of the bed, humming and playing the guitar.

"Morning" I said with a terrible morning voice.

"Good morning" He smiled bigger than ever.

"Why are you so happy?" I chuckled as I sat up and fixed my shirt that had gotten twisted.

"I'm just happy" Luke giggled and put aside the guitar. "Breakfast?"

"Sounds great" I smiled and jumped out of the bed. "Well only if you make it" I giggled.

"Of course, my lady" He said in an English accent, trying to sound more proper. "What do you wish for?"

"Doesn't matter, really. It's food so anything will do" I said and opened Michael's drawer and searched for some sweatpants. I grabbed a pair and put them on. They were a bit big so I rolled them up in the waist. Luke took my hand as we walked downstairs to the kitchen. The boys were still asleep in the livingroom. I sat down by the table as Luke took out stuff from the fridge and placed them on the table.

"I'm gonna make you a cheese toastie!" Luke smiled excitedly.

"What have you smoked?" I joked as he looked at me confused. "You're like... really happy" I chuckled.

He shrugged. "Well I have to be happy" He said, making me confused.

What was that supposed to mean?

Too tired to ask, I chose to ignore his weird acting and just watch him make me food. I picked up my phone and opened twitter since I hadn't been online for... I don't know.. a long time? And noticed I had gained a lot of new followers. I were almost up in 100 000 followers. Sneakily, I took a picture of Luke and tweeted it along with the caption "the maid's making me food, he's taking a damn long time... @Luke5SOS". Just as I had sent the tweet, my notifications started to go crazy.

"Luke" I said and he looked up at me. I didn't say anything I just pouted. He immediately bent down and planted a kiss on my lips. "Now keep making me my toastie"

Luke smirked and placed the cheese toastie in front of me.

"Wow, done already?" I giggled.

He rolled his eyes and sat down beside me, eating the other toast he'd made. We talked and laughed for a while until a tired Ashton Irwin came walking in.

"Morning" He said grumpily.

"Woke up on the wrong side?" I asked him.

"No shit?" He snapped.

"Hey, I haven't done you anything" I held up my hands in defense.

"Sorry" Ashton sighed and sat down beside Luke.

"You need some time off.. Can't we all just go road tripping or something?" Luke asked. "You know, get out of Sydney and discover more of the country?"

"You sound like some spontaneous nature freak" I said, eating the last piece of my cheese toast.

"You're not very good at insulting people" Ashton said.

I just ignored his comment. Ashton and Luke kept talking about "the roadtrip" while I answered people on twitter, not really finding the roadtrip thing very intressting.
A lot of people were writing stuff about how hot Luke was and how they wish to be me atm, but there were also a lot of hate comments but they didn't really affect me at all. I was happy for once. Everything was perfect... I didn't feel the slightest urge to even go near my blades or jump off a bridge. Luke made me feel better, he was the centre of my world. Well, he and the boys. They are always here for me. They let me stay at their houses, they give me free food and they keep me safe.

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