Chapter 1

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WARNING: This story will contain depression, self-harm and suicide attempts etc. So if you are uncomfortable with that or easily affected then DO NOT read this.


I woke up. The sun was shining brighter than yesterday, everything was so beautiful. Disgusting. I got up out of my bed, did my usual morning routine and then went off to work. Yes, I had succeded to get a job ON MY OWN. But unfortunely I got a job at a café... I was a waitress.

"Alison!" My boss shouted at me in anger. I looked at him tiredly. " Where is your uniform?"

"At home, I didn't feel like wearing it today" I said, ignoring the rules. Wow, such a badass... not.

"It's the rules. You have to. Break one more rule and you're fired!"

By now, everyone was looking at me but I just ignored it. I was used to it.

All my life, I've been getting bullied for all different kinds of reasons, but ever since I was 12, it was because I didn't have any parents and I went through a pretty rough time then. I dressed differently, acted different and looked different. You could say I was an emo.

"Yeah whatever" I said.

I've never really been the type of person who cares about anything or anyone. I learned a long time ago that if you didn't care, no one would care about you and no one would ever get sad.

The day went by pretty quickly and my shift was now over, finally. The time was now 6:12 pm and I was on my way home. It took about an hour to walk, long, I know. But I didn't have any choice. I couldn't afford to take a bus or taxi because then I wouldn't have money for food.

When I had walked for a while and soon was home, the road had been blocked so I had to take another way. For normal people, walking alone in the city in the evening would be scary, like they'd imagine pedophiles and murderers but that's the thing. I hated my life, I wouldn't mind dying. I mean, no one cared about me? No one knew me? I don't even know why I haven't killed myself already. I'm no use in this world. Like who would care if a useless waitress died? HAHAH no one.

I was already having a terrible life so why not just end it. I only took up space on this earth, I never did anything good. Plus, I have already tried to kill myself before.

Suddenly, I came to a bridge. That's when all the thoughts just punched me in the face. I looked down at the water to see that it was high enough.

Just when I stood there, ready to jump down and end it all, I hear someone shouting at me.

"What are you doing!?"

I didn't answer, I just kept looking down.

"Hey stop that!" The voice was coming closer.

This time, I looked up at the person who was coming way too close. I saw a pretty tall boy. He had blonde hair up in a quiff, black skinny jeans, a red flannel shirt and a black hoodie. He looked at me like I was completely out of my mind. What a suprise... If you didn't get it, I was sarcastic.

"Go away" I said harshly, not wanting anything to do with him. Plus I know he didn't actually care.

"You're not going to kill yourself" He said calmly, like he was afraid that if he moved rapidly, I'd get scared and jump... Like dude, I'm a human, not a deer?

"Why do you even care?" I asked, turning my face back down again.

He didn't answer my question. "I'm Luke" Ha, what did I say? No one cares. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and released my grip. When I started to fall, I could hear him scream "Nooo!" and running towards me, trying to catch my hand or something, but he was too late. Finally, an end.

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