Chapter 21

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"Can we go and eat somewhere first?" I asked Luke.

"Sure, I'll just text Michael and say that we'll be late" He said, grabbing his phone and starting to text.

We weren't together, yet, but I guess we were on the good way. Luke and I had been hanging out ever since we talked out and he had been trying everything to get close to me, and I mean close, close. Although, I didn't mind.


When Luke and I had finished eating, we walked back to the car and he started to drive towards Michael's house.

This would be the first time in like a two weeks that I hadn't seen Mikey so, I don't know why, but somehow I felt some kind of nervous? We hadn't even talked to eachother.. for no reason at all.

"Are you okay?" Luke asked, putting his free hand on my leg.

"Yeah, why?" I said.

"You don't look so good, do you wanna go home instead?" He asked.

"No, no I'm fine" I assured him, smiling slightly.

He kept his hand on mine all the time except for when he really had to do something.. and I didn't even doubt to keep it that way.

I looked at him as he focused his eyes on the road. He was seriously so freaking hot. Like it felt like he had become hotter since we fighted.

Sounds ridiculous, I know.

"Why?" Luke randomly asked.

"What?" I asked him, quite confused.

"Why don't you wanna be together with me yet?" He asked.

"Do we really have to talk about that now?" I sighed.

Luke pulled over to the parking by target. "Yes" He said. "I can't stand this"

I shut my eyes, trying to ignore him. To be honest, I felt a bit bad for him since he had been trying sooo hard to talk about this, trying to get an explaination from me why I still didn't want to be together with him even though we literally acted like a couple, except the kissing, and I had just kept ignoring him or starting to talk about something else.

"Alison, you know that I like you really much and you know that I wanna be together with you, spend every minute with you, kiss and hug you whenever I want, tell you how beautiful you are, play video games with you, look at you and just think wow, she's mine" Luke started. "And I know that you still like me back, in fact, I know that you never stopped liking me. You still have the same feelings for me as you did before everything happened. I just want you to be my girlfriend again" He said.

"Luke, I want to be your girlfriend again-" I started but he cut me off.

"Then what is stopping you?"

"I- I don't know!" I raised my voice. "I'm just so confused!"

Luke looked into my eyes and cupped my cheeks, slowly leaning in.

I started to panic, my cheeks started to heat up and my head becoming dizzy.

Just when he was about to kiss me, I felt my whole body giving in and then everything became black.


"Ali, can you hear me?" I could hear Luke ask, his voice filled with worry.

"What?" I tiredly said.

He sighed in relieve. "Oh god, finally. I was getting so worried!" Luke said and hugged tightly.

I hugged him back. I hugged him tighter as I found myself sobbing and my eyes starting to form tears.

"Are you crying?" Luke asked, still hugging me.

"No" I said, trying to hide the truth. I wiped away the tears on his hoodie and then pulled away.

Luke looked at me for a few seconds and then quickly planted a kiss on my forehead. "Will you please just give me another chance?" He asked.

I nodded as he pulled me in for another hug.

Maybe this was the start of getting a hold of my life again. It was going pretty well after I met Luke, but yeah then it kind of went... You know.

"Come on" Luke said and pulled away. He unbuckled his belt and jumped out of the car.

"Where are we going?" I asked and followed him.

"Well, while we're at target, I figured out that we could just buy something to eat.. like chocolste or something" He smiled.

I smiled back as he grabbed my hand.

Yeah, this was the start of a better life.


Oh my god, guys I'm so sorry for the horrible update... and this horrible chapter.

But idk I just don't get the same inspiration when I don't get as many votes and comment as I want (this is gonna sound so rude but I don't mean to offend anyone) idk if you guys just ignore to vote or comment or if you just hate the chapters.

Ok now I feel bad for sounding rude but I just wanted to put that out there.

Anyway, since this chapter really SUCKED, I'm not gonna have any vote and comment goals, BUT I'd really appreciate if you'd give me votes and comments anyway.

ily all and again, sorry if you hate me now but I really don't mean to be rude!


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