Chapter 31 - LAST CHAPTER

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It had now been about 4 months since the boys left me here. I had managed to get a little hold on my life, I got a job, I took a loan so that I could afford a car and I've actually tried to not think about them every single second. Although the last thing hasn't gone too well. None of the boys have neither texted nor called me. Not a single sign from them except that they've been seen around the news pretty much since they announced that they were going to release their first single tomorrow.

Anyways, I had actually made a friend, Noah. We met eachother when I was walking to the store to buy some groceries. He literally just came up to me and introduced himself. At first I was kinda scared and backed away but then I decided to just trust him since he didn't seem very harmful. Then I guess we just kept talking and he asked me out on a date, I said yes.

I had also taken the time to see a therapist, regarding my problems with the voices inside my head and the boys being away. Let's say that it's been a waste of time.

"You don't need to go if you don't feel like it's helping, you know that, right?" Noah said to me as we were sitting in his kitchen, eating breakfast since I had slept over at his place.

"Yeah, I know. I just feel like I need to talk to someone sometimes." I answered.

"You can talk to me. I understand that you hear voices and I want to help you." He said and placed a glass of juice in front of me.

Oh did I mention that he had no idea about Luke, Cal, Michael and Ashton? Neither did he know about my past, he just thought that I had moved out from my parent house and have lived a normal, happy life. I didn't feel like he needed to know everything that belonged to my past. My past also belonged to Luke, and Luke only.

"Maybe another time." I half-smiled at him and drank up.

"Okay." He said and smiled with sympathy. "I'll drive you there. Let's go."


"Do you want me to come with you?" Noah asked me.

"Nah, it's okay, you can drive back home. I think I'll just walk home to me later." I answered and waved goodbye as I watched him drive away.

I took a deep breath and walked inside. The white walls and long halls made me feel uncomfortable and the silence in the whole place made me shiver.

"Alison, come with me" My therapist, Mr. Thomas, said and I followed him into a small room with only a desk, a bookshelf and a few armchairs. The same room I've always been in.

We sat in there for what felt like hours, talking about the voices that I hear and I answered every question with something like "yeah" or "no". It wasn't until he brought up Luke that I actually focused on what he was saying.

"Do you miss him?" Mr. Thomas asked.

"Words can't explain how much I miss him..." I said and looked down at my shaking hands.

"How have you been coping with his absence?"

"Not very well, I've tried to not think about it and just hang out with Noah, but Luke just won't ever leave my mind." Mr. Thomas looked at me and raised his left eyebrow.

"Who's Noah?" He asked.

"Oh, Noah's my friend, I met him about a month ago." I answered.

"Intresting... How does he feel about this whole '5 seconds of summer' thing?"

"He doesn't know. And I want to keep it that way. It's better for everyone if we just forget about them."

"You see, sometimes forgetting is not the best alternative, but dealing with your problems, facing your fears and talk about your feelings."

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