Chapter 10

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Since there wasn't really any other way home than to walk, I walked. Deciding not to jump from that bridge seeing as I literally HATED that damn hospital.

I had thought of those harsh words Luke had told me back at the hospital all the way home. It still hurt that Luke actually said that to me, he was my friend, he was supposed to help me get through this whole crap, not make it worse. If a random person had shouted that to me, I wouldn't really have cared. But since Luke was the first friend I've had in many years, it hurt. I trusted him to be there for me, not shout at me.

The house I lived in was completely silent. I didn't really own very much stuff since the previous job I had didn't really pay me that much.


Just remembered that I didn't have one anymore. I got my fat ass up from the couch I sat in, put on my shoes and walked back to the city. Really stupid though seeing as I just came home, but who cares anyway? There's really nothing better to do.

When I had walked that one hour long walk, I immediatly started to look around for a job that I thought would be fairly good for me.

I had been searching for almost an hour but no one was even the slightest intressted to even get me an interview, since I had no education. That's when I passed a starbucks with a 'help wanted' sign, not the job I had really been looking for but I took a shot anyway.


"When can you start?" The lady asked.

"Whenever you want me to" I smiled.

So I guess that my previous job helped me to get this new job. I think.

"Tomorrow?" She asked.

"Sounds great" I said, shaking her hand.

I followed her into a little room where she gave me some more information and my uniform.


When I finally had got all the info I needed and that kind of stuff, I said goodbye and left. By now, I actually was pretty happy. I had no one that cared about me, which felt suprisingly good, and I just got a job.

When I was halfway home, I heard a car slowing down behind me. I shot a glance over my shoulder, the car was now driving in the same speed as I was walking. As a normal human being, I got a bit scared so I started to walk faster. The car only drove faster though. When I was almost jogging, I hear someone call my name.


I stopped, looking back at the car more closely only to find the blonde haired boy in the drivers seat.

"Alison!" He shouted.

I ignored him and kept walking. Honestly, I was too sick and tired of his bullshit so I just kinda got over the fact that he meant something to me in the first place.

"Alison, wait!" Luke shouted again.

He drove a bit faster and then stopped right in front of me. Almost hitting me with his car.

"What the fuck!?" I shout. "Be careful you idiot! You could've hit me with your damn car!"

"Sorry... Didn't think about it. I just need to talk to you" He said, grabbing my shoulders.

"Too bad then. I don't want to talk to you" I said, smiling sarcastically before walking angrily away.

"Ali..." Luke pleaded.

"How can you even expect me to forgive you after what you've done?" I almost shouted.

"I'm sorry... Please..." He said, lookin down at the ground.

"What if I won't forgive you?" I said, crossing my arms.

"You will, eventually" He said, still looking down at the ground.

"No" I said bluntly. "Luke, don't you even realise?"

Luke looked up at me, looking me straight in the eyes.

"I trusted you. I thought you were my friend. You were the first person I've let into my life ever since 3 years back. I actually considered you as my friend" I said, looking at him with hurt, tears starting to build in the corner of my eyes.

"I've said I'm sorry! What more can I do!?" Luke said, his voice cracking.

"Nothing! You can't do anything!" I said.

"But I have to... I can't let you go" Luke said, a tear falling down his cheek.

"We're not together for god sake!" I rolled my eyes. "Luke. I told you people around me oly gets hurt. Now leave me alone" I said before walking away from him. Continue to go home.

I took a quick glance back at Luke. He was sitting in his car with his hand on the steering wheel and his head in between them.

Even though I was so mad at Luke, I still felt a bit guilty for making him cry. Although, that's nothing compared to what he did.

When I had got home, I immediatly locked the door and did what I always did. Lay down in my couch and watch TV. Enough drama for today.


Ok I'm so sorry for the shitty and short chapter but I've been reeeeeaaaallly busy ever since I came home from my vacation and my imagination hasn't been very helpful but I'll try to make the next chapter better!

And I just noticed that I just got 2k reads so THANK YOU GUYS !

And also thank you for being patient!

Love you all xx

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