Chapter 7

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The next morning, I woke up in the same position we fell asleep in. Luke was holding me tight against his warm body and his breathes was tickling me in the neck. I turned over so that I faced Luke and I had to admit, his sleeping face was one of the cutest things I've ever seen.

Being with Luke was so... Relieving. I mean the pain, anxiety and depression felt like it had just been blown away. He always made me smile and feel happy. Cutting hasn't even come to my mind when I've been with him.

"Morning" Luke said, smirking.

"Oh, hi" I said awkwardly.

My cheeks turned red in embaressment since he caught me staring at him, and it wasn't the first time.

"You know, if you actually have feelings for me, you don't have to hide it" He said more seriously.

Even though I met Luke only about a month ago, I could tell that when it came to relationships and that kind of stuff, he was always taking it very seriously.

"Come on, Ali. I know that you feel something" He said and tightened his grip around me. "Or are you just playing with me like a toy?"

I remained silent, shocked by his sudden words. Never did I expect Luke to say something like that to me. I'd never play with someone's heart.

"Okay, fine" Luke said and rushed out of the bed.

He put on his clothes and the grabbed mine. Luke threw them at me in anger and saddness.

"Take then and leave" He said and pointed at his door.

"But Luke-" I started, only to get cut off.

"Now" He said with a blank face.

"Luke!" I said, starting to get a bit irritated. He didn't even give me a chance to explain how I felt, not even think.

"No! Go! I need some time on my own" Luke said and started to push me out.

When he had pushed me out, he slammed his door shut. And there I stood, in Luke's t-shirt and shorts. I walked carefully out of the house, afraid that I'd wake someone up. Although if they didn't wake up by Luke slamming that door, then what would?
As I had walked a few metres, I realised that I had no ride home and the rain was pouring down. But since I was the girl I was, I actually didn't quite care. I started to walk home. Luke's house was on the other side of the town, a few kilometres from the café I used to work in.

Yes, used to. I got fired for not turning up in weeks. Not very suprised.

When I passed the café, I saw another waitress, a new one. Probably the one who replaced me. She was smiling at the cutomers, talking to them and being nice to everyone. How exhausting. I kept walking when I saw that she was looking at me. After a while, I came to the same road that was blocked that night I tried to commit suicide. Road work? Wtf. Since there was no way home except the way over the bridge, I took it. Nervously crossing it, I looked over the edge. It wasn't as scary as I thought it would've been. I looked around before slowly stepping up on the railing.

You might think that I was doing this becuase of my little fight with Luke, but no. I did this because I wanted to. In this case, I don't give a fuck about him. He acted like an ass to me without no purpose.

I took a step forward and my whole body fell quickly down in the water. This time, Luke wasn't here to save me.


Ok so I noticed that we have wifi at our hotel haha, so I took some time to write a short chapter for you guys! better than nothing, right? :) I'll update a longer (hopefully) chapter either this week or next, or atleast I'll try!

Thank you for being patience, ily guys !

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