Chapter 6

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"Say something" Luke whispered.

I stayed silent, not knowing exactly what to say. He was still over me, holding himself up with one arm.

"I'm giving up on you" He sang before laughing quietly to himself.

"God, why am I friends with you" I chuckled and pushed him away.

"Well you didn't say anything! I had to do something" He smirked.

"You just ruined your chance" I smirked back at him.

"What? So if I hadn't ruined it, you'd kissed me?" His eyes widened.

"Maybe, maybe not"

"What!?" Luke pouted. "Do I get a second chance?"

"Not this time" I winked.

He fell down on the floor, crossed his arms and pouted just like a little kid would do if they didn't get what they wanted. All this for a little kiss? Sometimes, you could actually mistake him for a tall kid.

"Don't be so grumpy, lets watch some movies and get fat" I giggled.

He didn't move an inch. He still sat on the floor with his pouty little lips and crossed arms.

"Hello? Earth to Luke" I giggled and waved my hand infront of his face. "Move your ass and turn on the TV"

Luke just sat there like a stone. An idea came flashing through my mind and I bent down and kissed Luke on the cheek. His cheeks turned red and his face quickly turned and faced mine.

"Didn't expect that, did you?" I smirked and skipped to his TV and grabbed the remote to make an attempt to turn it on.

"Definately not" He smiled and walked up beside me.

I giggled and made another attempt to turn on the TV.

"WHAT KIND OF RETARDED TV IS THIS!?" I yelled in anger. "It's seriously un-turn-on-able!"

"Ali, that's not even a word" Luke face palmed himself. "Plus, you didn't even click the "on" button on the remote"

Luke grabbed the remote and in one try, the TV was on.

"That's how it's done" He smirked.

"Well it's your TV! Of course you know how to turn it on" I said.

I walked away to his bed and buried myself in a pile of pillows and blankets.

"Because I'm so awsome, you'll be in charge of preparing the stuff we bought" I giggled and pointed at the bags.

"Fine" He groaned.


We were now lying on the bed, watching "The Avengers". Luke had been complaining all night that he wasn't comfortable at all, until he then "accidentally" came up with the idea that it would probably be comfortable if I lay between his legs and my head on his chest... And to get rid of his complaining, I did it.

He had wrapped his arms around me and each of his legs on the sides of me.

"I still don't get it what a tesseract is" Luke said, nudging my head with his chin.

"It's that blue cube that everyone wants" I chuckled.

"Oh... I like Thor's hair" He randomly said.

"I know Luke... I know" I mentally face palmed myself.

When the movie was over, Luke carefully held me up so that he could get out of the bed, then ran away.

"Where are you going?" I asked before he could run too far away.

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