Chapter 18

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"Can't you just go to the shopping centre without me?" Luke whined.

We had been together for about a week and I already think he has complained about me wanting to do stuff with him, more times than I can count.

"Luke, I need your advice" I pouted.

"Can't you go with someone else? Like Michael, Ash or Calum?" He asked throwing his head back into the pillow.

"Michael never takes anything seriously and he only looks at my arse all the time, Ashton is still away on holiday and Calum is just plain boring" I said and lied down and snuggled up beside Luke.

"But I look at your ass too! And I'm boring..." Luke said, trying to convince me not to take him with me.

"Luke. You're coming with me" I stated. "Get ready" I said and gave him a quick kiss on his nose before standing up and walking away.

As I had walked out the door, I heard Luke sighing and grumpily walk towards his closet. I had already gotten ready so I just waited for him.

After about half an hour, Luke came down in just his boxers. Didn't complain though. His hair looked like someone had thrown a bomb in it and he looked like he was gonna fall down to the floor anytime.

"Luke, why aren't you ready?" I sighed.

"I was tired..." He said grumpily.

"It's 3pm!" I rolled my eyes. "Get over here. I'll pick clothes for you and then we're going to the shopping centre"

"But I don't want to..." He pouted before slamming his body down on the sofa.

God, he was like a baby and at the same time, it felt like we were an old couple. Even though we both liked eachother very much, we still fought a lot. It didn't bother Luke though, which was a disappointment to me since it bothered me a lot.

I sighed and walked back up to Luke's room. I quickly picked up some clothes and jogged back downstairs where Luke was sitting. Of course he had fallen asleep, again.

"Luke..." I sighed.

"Cuddle me" Luke mumbled sleepily and stretched out his arms in the air.

"No, put on your clothes and get your ass up so that we can go to the shopping centre" I rolled my eyes.

"Cuddllleee...!" He whined.

"I won't cuddle you before we've been to the shopping centre" I said and took Luke's arm, dragging him up.

Luke sighed loudly and sat up. He put on his clothes and soon, we were off to the shopping centre, finally.


"I still don't get it why you couldn't atleast try to call Michael or Calum" Luke whined as I tried on some clothes.

"Luke, stop whining and just be a nice little boy" I said, trying not to chuckle.

He didn't respond. Only a few seconds later, he walked inside the little dressing room and I let out a shriek.


"I'm sorry, Ali! oh my god!" He said, panicked and held his hands over his eyes. "Although, don't you think it's time to... you know... we're together, it shouldn't be weird to see eachother.. almost naked"

"Luke, oh my god" I chuckled.

"Fine, I'll get out of here" Luke said and slowly backed out of the dressing room.

I put my clothes back on and walked out to Luke, who was anxiously tapping his foot on floor.

When I had payed for the clothes, Luke and I decided to grab a coffee.

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