Chapter 25

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We had just arrived at the first stop on our roadtrip, I had no idea what the place was called though... but it was pretty. Michael, Calum and Ashton had been singing horribly the whole time in the car so the sound of the nature was like an eargasm. Luke on the other hand, had been sitting completely quiet. He hadn't even looked up from his phone one second.. I could tell something was wrong, and I had a feeling it was about the thing he wouldn't tell me.

"Are you guys coming?" Calum asked me and Luke who was just standing awkwardly beside the car.

"Yeah, just a minute" I said.

Calum shrugged and started talking the Ash and Mikey.

"Luke" I said. "Why won't you tell me?"

He was quiet for a while, not really knowing what to say, but then he opened his mouth and cleared his throat.

"I-It's just nothing, Ali. Let's just have a nice time with the guys and... just.. have fun" He said and fake-smiled.

I let out a big sigh. "Fine" I said.


The day was soon over and we planned on going back home to Luke's house and just hang out.

Even though we had been having fun, joking around and laughing, I still couldn't stop thinking about what Luke didn't want to tell me. It had been on my mind ever since I noticed something was wrong. Luke had obviously not forgotten it either. He had been acting stra- actually, everyone had been acting a bit strange.

"You okay?" Michael asked me.

Our last stop on the roadtrip was at a beach and the other guys were still in the water while me and Michael sat in the sand.

"Do you know what Luke's refusing to tell me?" I asked.

"No" He said quickly. Obviously lying.

"Please, just tell me. You suck at lying" I said and elbowed him lightly on his arm.

"I can't. Luke wants to tell you himself" Michael said seriously. "Sorry"

"But then why won't he just tell me? He just keeps saying that it's nothing!" I sighed.

"Maybe he's not ready yet" He said. "He'll tell you eventually. It won't be long"

"Mhm" I said grumpily.

Luke came jogging towards us, his hair was lying flat on his forehead and his chest was rising heavily up and down.

"What are you guys talking about?" He asked.

"You tell me" I mumbled, avoiding eye contact.

Luke let out a big sigh and looked at Michael as if asking him and only him. They exchanged a few looks and then Luke let out another sigh.

"Look, I am gonna tell you... just not now" He said and sat down beside me. "I don't like having secrets... trust me, but I just don't think I'm ready yet"

I stood up and walked into the water, cooling myself down. I wondered what Luke wasn't ready to tell me. Like what could be so bad that he had to prepare himself before telling me? It's not like he was dying? Hopefully.
I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt two arms hugging my waist from behind and a chin resting on my left shoulder.

"I'm sorry" I said. "I'm overreacting"

"No you're not" Luke said. "I'd be upset too if you were hiding something from me that I was dying to know"

I sighed and turned around so that I was facing Luke. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he leaned down and kissed me. "You're so beautiful" He whispered and smiled.

I was just about to kiss him again but we got cut off by Ashton who was shouting at us from the car, telling us we had to go back. I quickly gave him a peck on his lips before skipping out of the water and then jogging up to the car.

When we got back to Luke's house, all of the boys just plopped down on the couch and turned on the TV. I lazily sat down beside Luke and rested my head on his shoulder.

"What are we watching?" I whispered to Luke.

"I don't know, really. I think it's some sort of reality show or something" He answered.

"Well it's a boring show" I said.

"You've only watched it for about a minute or two" Luke chuckled.

"It's still boring... I'm gonna get something to eat" I said and stood up and walked to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and saw a few slices of pizza leftovers and decided that from now, they were mine.

I popped them into the microwave and while I was waiting for it to get hot, Michael came walking in.

"Are you gonna eat all of that?" He asked and pointed at the pizza inside the mikrowave.

"I'm hungry, so yes" I answered.

"You're gonna get fat" He said bluntly.

"Michael!?" I frowned.

"Sorry. I just want pizza too" He shrugged and looked eagerly back and forth between me and the pizza.

"Fine you can have half of them" I sighed and gave up.

Michael lit up like a lamp and hugged me. "God I love pizza"


this chapter is soooo lame sry
but i promise that the next chapter will be better !


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