Chapter 2

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"Wow" He said. His eyes were a bit glossy and you could tell he almost was going to cry "I-I'm sorry..." He said, sounding really sad.

"Don't be. I'm over it" I lied. It still hurt when I thought about it, even more when talking about it. But I knew that if he knew that, he wouldn't leave me, then that'd mean he'd start caring for me. I didn't want that.

"Fine" He sighed "Anyway, you're getting released tomorrow"

"Yeah, I know?" I said with a 'duh' voice.

He didn't say anything more, he just sat there on the bed, looking down at his hands awkwardly.

"If you're just gonna sit there then I suggest it's better to go home" I said harshly, obviously wanting him to go.

"No" He said, still looking down at his hands "I don't want to"

"Maybe you don't, but I want you too... So shoo, get out"

"Why?" He asked, sounding disappointed.

"Because if you haven't noticed yet, I don't want you here, I don't want you to even know me. To sum up all of this, I don't want anything to do with you" I said, irritated. I wasn't lying though. Every single word I said was the truth.

"Have I done something?" He asked, sounding more hurt this time.

I facepalmed myself and sighed. I had assumed he'd get all of this but he hadn't. I then realised, why would he have? I hadn't told him why I didn't want anything to do with him. I then felt guilt.

"I'm sorry. You haven't done anything. I just don't... want anyone to waste their time on me" I tried to explain it but in a more nice way.

"Oh... But I don't waste my time if I actually want to be here, right? Then I'm spending time here?"

"Luke, please just go. And don't come back. I can handle everything on my own"

He looked me in the eyes with sorrow. Why did he act like this? I was a stranger? Well kind of.Why did he even come here? When he had left the room, I looked at the time and it was 2:34pm. I was feeling for something sweet so I decided to look for a candy machine, if they even had those at hospitals. I haven't been to one for a while. Slowly, I walked out of the room and just as I looked to the right, I mentally facepalmed myself.

"I told you to go home" I said to Luke who had apparently not left.

"But what if you hurt yourself again or try to kill yourself?" He said, worriedly.

"God..." I whispered "You don't know me for god sake! And I don't know you! You're just some guy who I just met! Stop care for me and go home and don't dare to look after me!" I almost shouted at him and walked back to my room.

I heard some doctors talking on the other side of the door and asking Luke to go home and not come back. They said something more but I couldn't exactly hear what they said but something about anxiety. When I heard him say 'okay' and everything out there became quiet, I let out a loud sigh. What part of everything I said, didn't he get? Wasn't I clear enough?

The rest of the day passed on pretty quickly. I watched some TV and ate some food then I just fell asleep around 8 or 9pm.





Today was the day. I was getting released and I'd be out of this white crap hole in any minute.

When I realised I didn't have any money on me or any kind of ride home I started to breath heavily. How the hell was I going to get home now? I literally lived on the other side of Sydney. No way I was walking. I sat down at bench outside the hospital, trying to figure out a solution. When I was just about to give up, the guess what...? He turns up, again.

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