Phoenix's requiem

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"Why does this feel so different from before?" 

Saisei was sitting in a meadow that wasn't that far from Night Raid's base. In fact, it was really just below it and didn't take much to get up here. 

She was here to just feel the breeze of the day as the sun was high in the sky and it was an overly nice day for what she has to be doing tomorrow. 

"For a war to be about to go down, the planet surely does know how to make things calm before the storm." She was thinking back to how she came here to fight strong people and explore the city while having the time of her life. She never thought things would turn out to her turning into an assassin for a group trying to take down the empire. 

She still thinks about what she could've done differently and who she could've saved. If she was faster, she could've saved Susanoo, Lubbock could've lived if she had at least tried to escape prison, Sheele was killed by her and it was all going around and around in her head. 

Her motto was to never dwell on the past and focus on the present but even she can't help it sometimes. 

"Stress!" She fell back into the grass and stared up at the sky. "This is gonna affect me." She sighed. "Mine was always there to take my mind off things, or Cecilia... I'm always helping others to the point I don't know how to help myself, huh?" 

Truth be told, Night Raid were currently enjoying a meal down within their base and Saisei stepped out as she felt like she would drag the mood down. She was unconsciously hoping that one of them would come up and talk to her but that seemed unlikely, in the end, she could get herself up. 

"...I wonder if this baby is doing fine?" She put a hand on her stomach didn't expect much as it hasn't been nearly as long as it should be for it to be moving. "Oh god, I hope it doesn't come out weird-looking. Two different dragon types of blood, Pheonix blood, and human." She nodded as she could feel that the baby was going to be strong. 

She sat up and took her sword off her hip, she took it out the scabbard and stared at the blade. 

"You're going to this baby, alright? When I'm done fighting, she's gonna be the one to wield you." If the Pheonix and Saisei are in the mix, the kid's will to battle is gonna be through the roof. "I wouldn't be surprised if the kid hits me in the face as soon as it's out of me." She laughed to herself then stood up. "Berserking dragon, you've served my family well. I even consider you a part of it, well, mostly because only my family can use you thanks to your blood being mixed with ours." She put the sword away and her wings shot from her back. 

"Saisei?" Tatsumi said to her and she looked back. 

"Hm? Tatsumi? What's up?" She turned around and faced him with her wings still up. 

"Oh, nothing. I just wanted to check up on you. You know, just to make sure you're okay and all that." 

"Don't worry, I'm fine. You know our baby is gonna be really strong? I plan on giving her my armor." Saisei threw a thumb to herself with a confident smile. 

"So, you can already tell it's gender, huh?" He put her hands on his neck and took a look up to the sky. "I still haven't told Akame that I got you pregnant..." 

"I think it might just be better if we don't tell her after she lost her sister. We can tell her after tomorrow, after we take down the empire." She smiled at him and he couldn't help but do the same. 

"Yeah, we'll end this and take down Esdeath together. Well, you actually have to distract Esdeath while I hold back Cecilia." 

"Oh, so our formation has been finalized? I thought you would be on Esdeath, to be honest. I'm guessing Akame is gonna be taking out people around the empire?" 

"Yeah, she'll be taking out the last few people in the empire and then come to help us kill Esdeath. Once they're dead, Cecilia will help us with Esdeath, right?" 

"More than likely, yes." Saisei deactivated her wings and started walking. Tatsumi followed her. "Looks like things are coming to a close." 

"Yeah. As long as we kill every single last one of the people who stand in our way, a new empire can be born. Then we can all live our normal lives. What will you do, Saisei?" 

"Probably travel around the world with Mine, Air, and our kid. After that, return back to my city and then my sister and I will have our final battle. One of us will die that day, no way around it." She shrugged and Tatsumi accepted that was just the way it had to be. 

"Akame was actually showing interest in moving around the world as well. If she agrees, can we come with you?" 

"Of course! Why wouldn't I let you come? We'll be one simple Night Raid family. Well, just without being Night Raid anymore." Saisei gave Tatsumi a pat on the back. "Let's just head back to the others. I'm okay now." 

"Yeah, stay strong, Saisei. Right after tomorrow, Mine can see you once more. Air is gonna be really happy to see you." 

"I bet that girl is already used to not seeing my face. That long time we were gone, I'm a terrible mom, ain't I?" 

"Yeah. That's why you better change your ways after this!" 

"I will! I will...!" 

She swore on it and Tatsumi laughed a little with Saisei... 

They just hope tomorrow will be the end... or at least the end of the empire. After all, ain't no rest for the wicked... 

End of chapter 42 

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