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The day they had waited so long for arrived, Carina was on her way to Los Angeles, excited about her new project and about seeing Maya again. The whole trip she was imagining what their meeting would be like, she would hug her, get lost in her beautiful blue eyes, then kiss her soft lips and not separate from her until she ran out of breath. When she left the airport she immediately looked for Maya, they had arranged that she would pick her up to take her to her hotel and they would spend the afternoon together. After a couple of minutes she found Maya leaning against a wall, without thinking she grabbed all her things and headed as fast as possible towards that direction. When Maya managed to see Carina in the distance a huge smile formed on her face and her heart was racing as she saw her approaching.

- Bella! Mi sei mancata così tanto, sei fantastica. Carina said enthusiastically when she was already close to the blonde, taking her in her arms and holding her as if her life depended on it.

Maya said nothing just hugged her tightly, while inhaling her scent and feeling how her heart started to calm down just for having her close. After a few seconds Maya broke the embrace revealing a bouquet of flowers she had been holding the whole time, but Carina didn't seem to have noticed it.

- These are for you. She said as she handed her the bouquet. - You have no idea how much I've missed you.

- Thank you, I love them! Carina slowly leaned in to kiss Maya on the lips, she had wanted to since she saw her, but Maya immediately turned her head away avoiding the kiss. It was a subtle move and Maya thought Carina hadn't noticed but the Italian couldn't help but feel that something was wrong.

- Are you ready to go? Maya tried to divert attention from what had happened, Carina just nodded her head. Maya helped her load her luggage into the car and they set off for the hotel.

- Are you all right? You feel a little weird. Carina asked noticing the silence of the blonde who was usually quite talkative.

- Yeah, it's nothing, I just really missed you. Maya said with a smile as she placed her hand on Carina's leg, making soft movements with her thumb.

- Me too bella, but I'm here now. She replied, as she joined her hand to Maya's gently caressing it.

Arriving at the room, Carina immediately lay down on the bed, the flight had left her very tired and she needed to sleep to recover her energy. Maya, upon seeing her, moved to the other side of the bed to lie down next to her while gently massaging her scalp.

- Are you very tired, are you hungry or would you rather sleep first?

- Yes, it was a long trip, I need to sleep. Said Carina turning her body to wrap her arms around the waist of the blonde beside her.

- It's okay, sleep, I'll be here when you wake up. Maya kissed the top of her head and continued massaging her scalp until Carina was fast asleep clinging to her waist.

Without realizing it Maya began to close her eyes and fell asleep next to Carina. After a few hours Maya suddenly woke up a little confused, as she didn't usually sleep in the evenings unless she really needed to. She slowly got out of bed trying not to wake Carina. Looking at the time she realized she had slept much longer than she thought and her stomach was starting to make noise, so she decided to order something, she knew the order would take longer which would give Carina more time to sleep. To kill time she started playing with her cell phone until a call came in, she answered quickly and retired to the bathroom trying not to make too much noise so as not to disturb Carina.

- It sounds good but I don't know if I can. ...I don't know if it's a good idea, she has just arrived and she's tired. ... Okay, okay, I'll ask her, but no promises. ... Yes, yes, I'll text you. ... Okay, bye, see you later.

As Maya hung up and left the bathroom, she noticed how Carina started to open her eyes rubbing them gently as she stretched to get out of bed.

- Sorry, did I wake you up? Maya asked a bit worried, thinking she had interrupted the Italian's sleep with her phone call.

- No, don't worry, I've had enough rest. Said Carina as she got out of bed and headed towards the blonde.

- I ordered something to eat, it won't be long now. Maya said as she grabbed her by the waist, reducing the distance between them.

- Thanks, I'm starving. Carina put her arms around her shoulders closing the distance even more.

- You look so pretty. Said Maya giving her a kiss on the cheek. - I missed your eyes. This time she kissed her on the forehead. - And your smile. She gave her a kiss on the tip of her nose. - And I missed having you this close. She continued giving her kisses all over her face.

- Mhmmm me too, bella. But come here, I haven't kissed you properly yet. Carina took Maya's face between her hands bringing their lips together in a kiss that showed how much they had missed each other. Quickly the kiss began to turn into something much more passionate and deep as their hands began to roam their bodies in search of more contact. Just as Maya began to slip her hands inside Carina's blouse they heard a knock at the door.

- Must be the food, I'll be right back. Maya said giving her a quick peck before rushing out to open the bedroom door.

As they ate Carina remembered the conversation she had overheard when she woke up.

- Who were you talking to when I woke up? It sounded like you were talking about me. She asked trying not to sound like she was prying into Maya's business.

- It was Vic, you remember I told you about her. Carina just nodded. - Well, she's having a little party at her house today and she called me to invite us. I told her I would ask you, but don't worry if you don't want to go it's okay, I understand you are tired and you have too much work to party on your first night here.

- I would love to go, I can't wait to meet your friends Maya. Besides, I've slept enough and what better way to spend my first night here than celebrating with you. Maya just nodded as she smiled and continued with her meal.

Carina noticed something strange about Maya, she seemed to be smiling and happy with the idea of going to the party together, but she felt distant as if something was bothering her.

- Is something wrong? If you don't want me to go it's fine, we can see each other another day.

- Of course I want you to go, it's just that... Maya was looking for ways to tell Carina the truth without hurting her - That I haven't told anyone that you and I are... you know... more than just friends.

- But what about Vic? Carina interrupted

- Vic is the only one, we've been friends for a long time and I've never been able to hide anything from her, plus I trust her blindly. But with the rest it's different. And I've never had such a special connection with someone as I have with you, but it's not that simple. If I tell my family and friends that I like a girl, I don't know how they will react and it scares me to think about it so I've been putting it off and putting it off, promising myself that I was going to tell them, but I never had the courage to do it. And now you're here and I want them to see how wonderful you are and kiss you in front of everyone, but I can't Carina, I can't.

Carina was silent for a moment, analyzing every word. It bothered her that Maya hadn't told her the truth from the beginning, but it was clear to her that every experience is different and not every family reacts as well as hers did to news like this. So as much as she wanted to scream her feelings for Maya to everyone, she would wait until Maya was ready.

- Easy Maya. Carina said as she took her in her arms. - I know it can be hard, but I'm going to be with you every step of the way. And if your family and friends don't support you that's their problem, you are an amazing woman and who you date or not doesn't define you.

They spent the rest of the evening cuddling on the couch watching TV until they realized they had to get ready or they would be late for the party.

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