chap. 11

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Fortunately they didn't encounter enemies such as Hilichurls or slimes, even though Childe would have killed them in a few seconds anyway.

To their luck it was a windy, wich eased the heat from the sun a little.

(y/n) lead the way, Childe following close behind. He gazed at her silky hair and her good-looking figure, lost in thoughts.

The female, on the other hand, paid close attention to her surroundings, noticing many animals wich quickly hid behind bushes and trees at the sight of the uncommon visitors.

"Is this it?", Childe asked while curiously staring at the gigantic cliff in front of him. He earned a nod in response. "Yes. You can see a lot from up there", (y/n) smiled gently and guided the way.

"Can I ask you a few questions?", the Fatui Harbinger asked. The girl hummed, her eyes still focused on the top of the cliff.

Childe paused for a moment, carefully thinking about his question.

Now that he thought about it, he didn't know anything about the female. Just her name and that she was friends with Zhongli and Venti.

He felt like he won't get the answers he wanted, but quickly shoved that thought away.

"Where do you live?"

"In a house near Juyeon Karst", she swiftly answered. Childe raised a brow. "Isn't that where the adepti live?".

(y/n) nodded and hesitated for a moment. "Indeed it is. But as long as you don't bother them, nothing really happens"

The Gingerhead followed the girl, as she carefully climbed a rock, trying not to slip. The moment he wanted to help her up, she caught herself and offered him a hand to help wich he gladly accepted.

She pulled him up with force and smiled. "We're almost there".

The wind was pretty strong by now.

"What's your job? I suppose you need to earn Mora somehow", Childe guessed with a soothing voice.

"I don't really work. I live with two friends, Aito and Hina, and help wherever I can", she briefly answered to his question.

The girl suddenly stopped, causing the male to curiously peek over her shoulder to see what happened.

"Look.. a Cecilia flower. They only bloom in Mondstadt", (y/n) explained while picking up a white flower with beautiful petals.

Childe usually didn't like flowers or plants, but when (y/n) talked about them it sounded much more interesting to him.

He liked hearing her soft voice. She didn't talk very much, but when she did, she always had his full attention.

He watched her, as she twisted the stem in her fingers while staring at the blossom.

"... would always give me those flowers as a present. They are beautiful, aren't they?", (y/n) asked, interrupting Childe's train of thoughts and handed the flower to the startled Gingerhead.

The male blinked in surprise, before slowly nodding in agreement.

He gently held the flower in his hands. It reminded him of the young girl who was standing next to him.

The petals were flawless and reflected pureness and innocence. The leaves were green and looked like youth in his eyes.

The exact opposite of him.

He sighed at the thought of all the people he had killed. He would lie if he said that he regretted all of it, because he didn't.

Compared to (y/n)'s appearance, Childe's flower looked rotten and withered.

Maybe if he knew about (y/n)'s past, he would feel a little better about it. The Archon War was nothing compared to today's struggle.

"Childe? Are you coming?", a light voice caught him off guard, making him stumble for a moment, before quickly nodding.

The both of them stood at the edge of Starsnatch Cliff, a soft breeze striking their cheeks.

(y/n)'s hair flowed in the wind and Childe stared at the ocean without any expression.

He hummed softly. "What's that island?", he then asked curiously, pointing at the horizon.

The girl squinted her eyes, before answering.

"It's a nameless island. Legends say that there's an Eye of Storm. If you follow it and kill it, you apparently will be rewarded with many goods". She shrugged her shoulders. "However, those are just rumors".

Of course the female knew that they weren't just rumors. But she didn't want the Harbinger to get hurt, so she kept quiet.

He nodded and slowly got lost in his own thoughts.

They sat at the cliff for an hour, before they decided to head back to the city. It was already 3pm, since it was quite a long walk from Mondstadt to that place.

The duo mostly talked about the legends of Mondstadt, and to Childe's surprise he found out a few things about (y/n) as well.

She spends a majority of her freetime by wandering around or taking care of the plants on the mountains.

She also really liked Cecilia Flowers, because they reminded her of a friend.

"I can't believe that we already have to leave tomorrow", Childe said while stretching his back. His orange locks slightly covered his closed eyes and his red mask dangled at the side of his head.

(y/n) let out a small hum in response.

Clouds were covering the entire sky, leaving some spots for the sun to shine through. The animals made loud noises, filling the forest with life.

Childe stuffed his hands in his pocket and sighed. He enjoyed his time with (y/n).

"How about we visit Angels Share again? Maybe we'll meet Kaeya or that bard", he then suggested, earning a "Sure, why not", in response.

The Harbinger's eyes slightly saddened after thinking about returning to work again. He'd rather spend more time with his new friends instead.

A quiet growl escaped his lips. The female noticed the noise, but didn't want to question it and just kept on walking towards Mondstadt.


I usually don't make Author Notes, but thank you so much for your votes! They really motivate me to keep on writing, even though I don't really like the story line.

By the way, look at this picture I took today :)

By the way, look at this picture I took today  :)

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