Chapter 8: Call

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6 am finally rolled around and you were wide awake waiting for Keigo to come in to switch shifts with you. You gave Dabi your number last night, you kept checking your phone to see if he had called or texted... but still nothing. You heard a motorcycle revving towards the yard, most likely Keigo approaching. You just then remembered that the door had been burnt down... you didn't report it to him already so you already knew Keigo was going to be pissed.

"Heyo! Y/N how did the shift go..." He dragged out the "go" once he realized the main door had been burnt down. His eyebrows furrowed in anger because he instantly knew who had been here. He just didn't know why and why you hadn't told him anything already.

"Hey Kiego, how's your morning been?" You said avoiding the situation

"Why was he here again? Why didn't you tell me like you promised."

The silence in the room grew heavy after he asked you that. You promised to keep him updated if something had happened. Why didn't you tell him? You broke the silence finally by letting out a heavy sigh.

"He came here to give me his number... and I was waiting until you got here to say anything?" You said trying to sound convincing

Kiego was taken aback by what you said. Your number? What the fuck does he need that for. He thought to himself.

"And why did he need your number? Don't tell me you gave it to him Y/N" Kiego walked over the burnt door and towards where you were sitting.

Your heart sank at the second part of what he just said. You didn't like lying to your best friend... but you knew if you told him that you gave him your number he would probably make you change it.

"No, no I didn't give him my number... he said he needed it so we could uh, practice sometime, yeah. We both compete in the same race so we thought that-." Kiego cut you off before you could finish your sentence. His feathers were now rattling against each other in anger.

"Practice? You're going to practice with the maniac who literally stole 2 million yen from us and now burnt down our door? Are you an idiot?" He questioned.

You stood up from the desk and started walking towards Keigo. Now facing face to face you looked him in his eyes and laid your hand on his shoulder with a soft smile.

"I never said I agreed to it... I told you I didn't give him my number so he burnt down the door after I declined his offer. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner." You had lied straight to your best friend's face. You felt sick to your stomach doing that but if you hadn't Keigo would probably never forgive you or speak to you again. You knew in due time you would probably have to tell him the truth but right now wasn't the time for that. Kiego has been on your ass ever since you and Dabi ran into each other. You could tell he didn't like the guy but why?

He faked a smile and sighed. "It's fine Y/N I just wish you would've told me sooner. What if something bad happened to you. I told you we can't trust those guys and-." This time you cut Kiego off.

"I'm a big girl now Kiego. I'm not 10 anymore, I can take care of myself. I know you're just looking out for me but you forget my quirk is actually stronger than you think." You winked at him and gave him a hug before heading out and back home to your apartment.

Kiego's Pov:

Once Y/N had walked away I heard her bike rev up and screech off in a matter of seconds. She was gone. Something was telling me that she was hiding something but Y/n and I had never lied to each other so why would she start now? He sat down at his desk and saw a piece of paper with the corner ripped off... His heart immediately sunk into his throat. She did give him her number... but why did she lie about it? Kiego's heart started to pick up its pace. He pulled out his laptop and started to do some research on Dabi. Nothing had come up. He was one of the few from the OLV gang that had little to no information. That made Kiego even more worried knowing the one guy he knew nothing about, was reaching out to you. The only thing on record was that Dabi had killed over 30 innocent people in the last 2 months. Kiego knew he had to get to the bottom of this but for now he knew he had to act like nothing had happened.

Y/N's Pov:

You had made it back home from your shift at the yard. Still no call or text from Dabi. Fuck that dirty ass pyro. I knew he was probably just setting me up and I covered for him. Maybe i am an idiot.
You took off the clothes you had from the night before, got in the shower, put on some pj's and took a nap. Your nap was quickly interrupted after 30 mins from the buzzing of your phone. You picked it up and saw it was an unknown number. Your heart started racing again. Is it him? What took that burnt piece of bacon so long. You picked up the phone.

Ongoing Call:

Y/N: "Hello?"

Dabi: "Hey beautiful, what you up to?"

Y/N: God. Even his voice was hot over the phone. I hate this guy. "Oh nothing much, just got back home actually... why whats up?"

Dabi: "Oh nothing." He said mocking you. "I just wanted to hear your annoying ass voice again that's all"

Y/N: Oh his dick is big... "Ha. My voice huh? What's so special about my-." He had cut you off.

Dabi: "I just like hearing it. But I did call to ask you something." He said sternly.

Y/N: "Oh okay. Well whats up?"

Dabi: "That lame ass bird. Did you tell him you gave me your number?"

Y/N: "No... why?"

Dabi: "He has it out for me for some reason, I don't want him having any contact with me nor do I want him to know anything about me. Got it?" He said more hostile than before.

Y/N: You laughed under breath. "Okay, gotcha. You know, you're so mysterious, Dabi. Why don't you want anyone knowing anything about you?" You could hear the smirk through the phone creeping across his face.

Dabi: "I never said anyone. Just him. Why? Do you want to know something about me?"

Y/N: "Yeah... I kinda do. But it can wait."

Dabi: He laughed. "Hmm. Okay... Well I mainly just called to hear you, You'll probably hear from me soon once I start missing that annoying voice of yours again.."

Y/N: "No promises i'll answer next time." You smirked. "Bye Dabi." You had hung up the phone and laid back into your bed looking at the ceiling. For the love of god, I really hope I'm not falling for this weirdo. You eventually drifted back into sleep and got the nap you were trying to get in before Dabi had called. Your mind was conflicted with so many emotions and feelings. How the fuck did I end up here like this?
(1267 Words)

ride| dabi x reader {biker gang au} 18+Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang