Chapter 17: Deal.

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You just slapped Dabi right in the middle of him kissing you. This was probably enough to get him to kill you for real now but instead he just grabbed his face and smiled at you.

"Damn, that stings." He was holding his cheek with his hand, rubbing back and forth the area you had just smacked.

You stood up, infuriated. "Why the fuck did you just kiss me? Is that why you called me over here? Was this like your way of confessing you liked me or something because if so, shitty job you did there."

"Nah, I wasn't confessing anything. Just really wanted to know how your lips felt... I've been staring at them since the day we met. Pretty soft if you wanted to know." He was still smiling. What is this guy's deal? He was like a book written in a different language you kept trying to read but you couldn't understand a damn thing. Dabi just made this ten times more confusing for you. You didn't hate the kiss. That's what upsetted you the most. Ever since the day you two met, you always found yourself thinking about him. Who he was and how to get closer to him, that was until all the events that had happened went down.. but you still couldnt ignore the fact that you thought he was so attractive. Even still now, you enjoyed every second of it even if you didn't kiss back, but it left you confused at what he was trying to get at. What is this?  You stood up.

"You tried to hurt me and my friends more than once already. I don't know what your plan or ideals are, Dabi, but I have heart. I don't go around hurting people for the fun of it, nor do I go and kiss girls I hardly even know just to probably use and confuse the hell of them. What the hell is your deal?" You headed towards the door and opened it trying to leave but Dabi was right behind you and placed his hand on it before you could open it.

"I have one more thing I gotta say before you go." You looked up at him. "Make sure you don't tell your friends where I live or anything about our 'little chat.' Do that and prove it to me... Oh, and my gang wont bother you guys ever again." He looked down at you, you could tell he was hungry and not for food. He was hungry for you and you could feel it through his senses. You could also tell he was being serious about what he said, especially the second part. Dabi was a high ranked criminal and he had given you his number and address already. You could easily report him to police if you wanted too, but you didn't. Instead...

"How will I know you're telling the truth?" You had slightly turned your body back around, still having an angry yet serious look on your face.

He reached in his pocket to grab something. "Take this." It was a sapphire blue pendant and it looked exactly like his eyes. It didn't have a string or anything attached to it either. "My mom gave it to me when I was kid. I take it with me everywhere. I hate the woman, but... but its the only thing 'important' to me in my life... so take it and my word for it." You could hear the genuine sencerness in his voice this time. You took it and placed in your pockets and nodded, agreeing with the deal. He then removed his hand from the door letting you leave finally.

You walked back downstairs and to your bike. It was 10pm already. 4 whole hours. You were there for 4 hours. You put your helmet on and rode back to your apartment, the entire time you couldn't stop thinking about the kiss, the pendant, the deal, and just everything he had said. Dabi just keeps getting harder to understand but you think you're slowly starting to get him now.
Once you arrived back home, you took the pendant he gave you and stared at it. Why did he trust me enough to give me the one thing that was important to him. It was beautiful. You rubbed your thumb back and forth against it feeling how smooth it was. Even though you were trying to convince yourself you didnt like the guy, you couldnt help but get butterflies looking at it. He really gave you something that held a little place in his heart, and trusted you to keep it. You soon got an idea for the pendant and sat it down next to you on your night stand. Changing out of your clothes and taking a shower, you finally laid in bed thinking. The pendant also was like a promise. He told you that his gang wouldnt bother you guys anymore, better yet target you guys. You knew trusting him wasnt the best idea... but his words sat with you. The pendant was like the glue holding that promise together between you two. You ended up drifted off into sleep by your thoughts...with the one thing lingering in the back of your mind. You were slowly but surely falling in love with the enemy.
(Words: 895)

ride| dabi x reader {biker gang au} 18+Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant